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Building A Regret Free Life
Through her work, Bronnie Ware, author of The Top Five Regrets of the Dying, has found a powerful way to use gentleness, loving kindness and humor to help celebrate both the strength and vulnerability of life and living. In this delightful interview, Bronnie shares what she has learned while working in palliative care and how her meditation practice saved her life.... posted on Aug 24 2013, 25,450 reads


The Power of Enough
A beautiful reflection unfolds when this writer explores a simple Balinese tradition that points to the power of enough. With wisdom and eloquence she invites us to "to keep our desires and aspirations in proper proportion with our gratitude and good intentions" so that you "can experience a sense of ease between your wishes for what might be and your gratitude for the beauty of what is."... posted on Aug 19 2013, 34,719 reads


The Mango Girls: Saved By Trees
"In India where traditionally boys have been preferred over girls, a village in Bihar state has been setting an example by planting trees to celebrate the birth of a girl child. And this practice is paying off." For the people of the Dharhara village, planting trees provides much more than agricultural benefits, it's their solution to some of the serious challenges that plague their population. ... posted on Aug 16 2013, 7,929 reads


Don't Make the Right Decision; Make the Decision Right
When you hear a song you like on the radio, do you check other stations to see if something better is playing? Do you have trouble settling for second best? If so, you may be what Wharton professor Adam Grant calls a "maximizer": someone who is always seeking the "best" in life. However, striving for the best doesn't guarantee happiness---in fact, sometimes it runs counter to it. Read on to hear P... posted on Aug 10 2013, 66,339 reads


Wonder: The Most Human of Emotions
What purpose does the feeling of wonder serve? It seems to have three essential components: sensory, cognitive, and physical, as in that breathless moment when we gasp and say 'Wow!' Finally, it has a dimension that can be described as spiritual. In other words, wonder seems to unite science and religion. This thoughtful essay shares more.... posted on Aug 06 2013, 8,955 reads


Encounters on the Exit Ramp
At one of the busiest intersections in Los Angeles, California stood a person, destitute and holding a sign which read simply, "Can you spare a moment? Blessings appreciated." Most cars passed by without notice, as seems to have become the analogy in how many of us live our lives. To those passing by, this was just another homeless person looking for a handout. They had no way of knowing that this... posted on Aug 04 2013, 44,621 reads


7 Paths to a Meaningful Life
Dr. Philip G. Zimbardo, a giant in the field of social psychology, delivered a commencement address at the University of Puget Sound in May. He is now a professor at Palo Alto University, a professor emeritus at Stanford University, and the president of the Heroic Imagination Project. In the speech Dr. Zimbardo lays out seven paths to personal happiness and collective well-being based on insight... posted on Jul 25 2013, 120,651 reads


The Development Paradox
"There you go", an illustrated e-book, tells the story of briefcase-wielding officials interested in "bringing sustainable development" to a forest-dwelling tribe. After interacting with the tribe, they find that it is already sustainable and perhaps doesn't need additional "development," yet the officials push ahead with their plans. At its core, the story is about different cultures and the con... posted on Jul 24 2013, 7,048 reads


What The Outside Can Do For The Inside
"The balancing, breathing, and centering of yoga bring immediate results to prisoners, according to Natalie Smith, executive director of Yoga Behind Bars, a nonprofit that promotes yoga to help soothe the rage, anxiety, and hopelessness of life in prison. " Incarceration is an ineffective band-aid for many other problems -- homelessness, mental health issues, drug addictions. Antisocial behaviors ... posted on Jul 19 2013, 12,087 reads


Why Do We Not Ask For Help?
"My husband and I have just spent two weeks on a skiing vacation in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, with our three adult kids. We were greeted by other family members and their adult kids, so to say the least, there were Feltons everywhere. Unfortunately, one of the family members ("Nan") was out skiing on the first day and broke her shoulder in four places. She had never had a traumatic injury before. For... posted on Jul 18 2013, 9,410 reads


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Live simply, share your wealth with others.
Lailah Gifty Akita

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