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Confessions of a Late Bloomer
In this important article, psychologist Scott Barry Kaufman asks us to reconsider how we evaluate an individual's potential. We tend to "conceptualize ability as a static property, something hard-wired into the brain by genes that are prepackaged and already activated at birth." And if someone does not display that hard-wired ability early on, we dismiss him or her as un-gifted and less likely to ... posted on Sep 24 2013, 37,131 reads


The Idea of A Local Economy
In a total economy everything has a price and is for sale. Sometimes critical choices that once belonged to individuals or communities become the property of corporations. This can lead to the disintegration of communities, households, landscapes, and ecosystems. Aware of this, nation leaders developed the means of limiting and restraining such concentrations. But now all of these means are arguab... posted on Sep 22 2013, 7,444 reads


A Final and Lovely Collaboration
Beloved children's author Ruth Krauss penned more than thirty books for little ones over the course of her forty-year career, but remains best-known as half of one of the most celebrated author-illustrator duos of all time, the other half being none other than Maurice Sendak, author of Where the Wild Things Are. Here are some of their choicest bits of childlike wit and helpful advice for adults o... posted on Sep 21 2013, 36,290 reads


Relationships Are More Important than Ambition
Are you an ambitious person? How would you say you measure success in your life? In a society that so often defines worth in terms of material possessions, prestige and money, it can be easy to lose sight of the value that resides in our interpersonal connections and community. Click here to read a variety of studies and stories that illustrate how strong community connections correlate more close... posted on Sep 20 2013, 26,197 reads


Inside the Mind of the Octopus
Recent research indicates that the octopus, while "only" an invertebrate, is remarkably intelligent. This author ventures to visit with and study one. He quotes Philosopher Godfrey-Smith, "It's remarkable how little we know (about octopuses) ... but we may have to change how we think about the nature of the mind itself to take into account minds with less of a centralized self." Learn more about t... posted on Sep 19 2013, 8,787 reads


8 Ways To Overcome Your Leadership Blind Spots
"To be a successful leader or entrepreneur, we need to become intimate not only with our strengths but also with our blind spots, those aspects of our personality that can derail us." We all carry with us personal blindspots and biases that can hinder our effectiveness in a position of leadership. In this article, Bruna Martinuzzi helps us rub the proverbial fog from our eyes, bringing to light co... posted on Sep 18 2013, 38,287 reads


The Teenager Who Started an Orphanage
On a not-so-uncommon trip to find herself after high school, Maggie Doyne ended up founding an orphanage and building a school in rural Nepal by the age of 23. It started when she made eye contact with an orphan girl in a small village who was carrying a heavy pack of stones to make money. Maggie saw, in that moment, what so many spiritual leaders have tried to distill in their teachings -- she kn... posted on Sep 17 2013, 71,382 reads


Leave No Child Inside
Richard Louv says school shouldn't be a polite form of incarceration, but a portal to the wider world. When he challenges a group of real estate reps, "how are we going to build communities in the future that actually connect kids with nature?" he discovers unexpected advocates. He seeks solutions people might otherwise never have imagined. Read on to learn more.... posted on Sep 14 2013, 8,429 reads


The Day I Stopped Saying Hurry Up
Being a parent in this fast-paced world often means constantly fighting the clock to maintain control, make appointments, and complete to-do lists. What effect does this constant rushing have on our parenting and on our children? Rachel Macy Stafford was blessed with a laid-back, carefree, stop-and-smell-the roses type of daughter who made her ask this difficult question and who opened her eyes to... posted on Sep 13 2013, 133,196 reads


Why Giving Thanks In Hard Times Helps
"It is vital to make a distinction between feeling grateful and being grateful. We don't have total control over our emotions. We cannot easily will ourselves to feel grateful, less depressed, or happy. Feelings follow from the way we look at the world, thoughts we have about the way things are, the way things should be, and the distance between these two points. But being grateful is a choice. A ... posted on Sep 12 2013, 98,582 reads


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Quote Bulletin

What we don't need in the midst of struggle is shame for being human.
Brene Brown

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