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How the Mind Can Heal the Heart
Daniel Goleman, author of "Emotional Intelligence" and "Social Intelligence", and Tara Bennett-Goleman, psychotherapist and author of "Emotional Alchemy," explain the science behind "mind whispering" - a technique for overcoming self-defeating habits of mind. Mind whispering is an integration of Eastern and Western psychologies and draws on mindfulness, cognitive therapy, and Buddhist psychology t... posted on Oct 06 2013, 31,149 reads


Death Cafe: Talking Tea and Mortality
"'Do you have a death wish?" is not a question normally bandied about in seriousness. But have you ever actually asked whether a parent, partner or friend has a wish, or wishes, concerning their death? Burial or cremation? Where would they like to die? It's not easy to do." For the past few years, "death cafes" have cropped up organically in Great Britain, providing a safe and open space for peopl... posted on Oct 05 2013, 4,671 reads


Lessons In Living From A Cat Named Ali
At a recent retreat held in New Jersey, attendees were asked to think of a gift they had received that had a special impact on their lives. "One personal reflection of mine, took me down memory lane to about seven years ago, to a time when I was experiencing some hardships that wanted to come in a sequence of one after the other... However, a turning point came my way, by way of being given a gif... posted on Oct 04 2013, 31,063 reads


How Is Your Leadership Changing?
Well-known author and organizational consultant Margaret Wheatley has written about a troubling trend: the movement of today's leadership toward a command-and-conquer model that stifles worker motivation and creativity. In this article she challenges readers to check in on their leadership styles and to consider moving toward a style that is more trusting and distributive of responsibility. To thi... posted on Oct 03 2013, 27,986 reads


Being Kind: The Music Video That Circled The World!
The 21-Day Kindness Challenge launched on September 11th. 98 countries. 6000 people. And a collective tidal wave of good that inspired many -- including young rapper-activist "Nimo" Patel at the Gandhi Ashram in India. Nimo wasted no time channeling that inspiration into an infectious music video. "Being Kind" was created on super short notice by an intercontinental crew of volunteers working out ... posted on Oct 02 2013, 8,446 reads


Can You Run Out of Empathy?
"It is impossible to empathize with seven billion strangers," argues psychologist Paul Bloom in his essay, "The Case Against Empathy." And though, the immense power of empathy has been demonstrated time and time again, Bloom's statement poses an intriguing question -- why do we not respond equally to all stories? For example, why are we more likely to respond to the tragedy at Sandy Hook, than to ... posted on Oct 01 2013, 18,648 reads


Elizabeth Gilbert: Beyond Eat, Pray, Love
"I think I have more compassion than if I had led a life where everything worked out exactly as I had planned or if I had never been wounded or if I had never been betrayed or I had never been harmed. I don't think I would be as good a person. I'm still aspiring to be a better and better person, but I think those disappointments have made me gentler with other people and their disappointments, the... posted on Sep 30 2013, 23,679 reads


How To Be More Than A Mindful Consumer
"Today we're so steeped in consumer culture that we head to the mall even when our houses and garages are full. We suffer angst over the adequacy of our belongings and amass crushing credit card debt to, as the author Dave Ramsey says, buy things we don't need with money we don't have, to impress people we don't like..." Annie Leonard, the creator of Story of Stuff drives home an idea with true r... posted on Sep 28 2013, 31,818 reads


Seth Godin: On the Art of Noticing & Creating
Seth Godin is an internet thought leader, entrepreneur and founder of several internet companies. In this candid interview, he discusses the advantages of failure and how the internet revolution has flipped the art of business on its head: "You will never have better ratings than the Jersey Shore. That's not what the point is. It's not why we do our work. What works is does it matter? And is it po... posted on Sep 27 2013, 29,462 reads


5 Ways to Develop Ecoliteracy
A growing number of educators emphasize the need to foster learning that prepares youth for the ecological challenges facing our planet. While social and emotional intelligence extend students' abilities to see from another's perspective, empathize, and show concern, "ecoliteracy" applies these abilities to an understanding of natural systems and an empathy for all of life. This thoughtful article... posted on Sep 26 2013, 31,386 reads


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To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved.
George Macdonald

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