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Ten Ways to Help Girls Transform the World
Imagine legions of girls confident in their creativity and wisdom; comfortable in their bodies and safe in their classrooms; and ready to take on the world. But we still have a ways to go to get there. In this article World Pulse asks women around the globe for their stories and compiles a list of the best ways to help young girls transform their lives and our world.... posted on Nov 15 2013, 23,064 reads


Today I Lived And You Did Too
"I'm going Hands Free. I want to make memories, not to-do-lists. I want to feel the squeeze of my daughter's arms, not the pressure of over-commitment. I want to get lost in conversation with my spouse, not consumed by a sea of unimportant emails. I want to be overwhelmed by sunsets that give me hope, not by extracurricular commitments that steal my joy. I want the noise of my life to be a mixture... posted on Nov 14 2013, 98,492 reads


Teenage Football Players Conspiracy of Kindness
Without telling their coaches, the football players of Olivet Middle School conspired to execute an extraordinary play at their next home game. Actually, it was two plays. The first was to get as close to the goal line as possible without scoring. And the second? Well, you'll just have to watch the video to find out. The most remarkable effect of the play? Says one team member, "I went from being... posted on Nov 13 2013, 8,167 reads


Estonia's Bank of Happiness
Estonia's capital, Tallinn, is considered to be one of the world's leading technological cities - a city in which the majority of transactions occur online. But nestled deep within the constructs and limitations of this digital world, there resides one group -- whose sole purpose it is to harness the true power of the Internet for good. This "Bank of Happiness" doesn't transact in currency or cred... posted on Nov 10 2013, 10,757 reads


The Place Where I Write
"Sometimes I can't find tape to save my life, but I have all of these other objects always at my fingertips, and it is in the midst of these juxtapositions, this disorder and uncertainty, that I write. Not only does being neat and organized take time, but a tidy environment makes me feel compelled to have tidy thoughts. And never do they come that way. The disorder is freeing; may it all come any ... posted on Nov 06 2013, 15,121 reads


5 Life Lessons From 56 Up
Have you ever stopped to look back and reflect on the journey of your life thus far? Do you wonder what it would be like if at different phases in the past, you had the wisdom you have now from lessons learned through the years? "The "Up" documentaries have followed 14 people from ages seven to 56 -- and in the process illustrated recent discoveries about the science of a meaningful life." Their... posted on Nov 04 2013, 36,412 reads


The College Course That's Changing Lives
Although it might sound like a bunch of self-help hooey-wooey, students at Harvard University have been flocking to take part in a bespectacled professor's course that tries to impart the wisdom of ancient Chinese philosophers. With the bold claim that "this course will change your life," instructor Michael Puett teaches how the smallest of actions -- as simple as a smile or a wave -- can have the... posted on Nov 01 2013, 36,972 reads


Reclaiming the Streets
Expressing a need for ordinary citizens to come together and own their cities, young Nigerian-born artist and poet Inua Ellams has been leading impromptu 'runs' around London by night, searching the streets for alternative stories and new configurations. All over the world, through defiant protests, performances, citizen action, even unsolicited horticulture, the battle for civic space continues t... posted on Oct 31 2013, 3,832 reads


The Cancer Camp that Kids Want to Go To
"What if, instead of worrying whether your mom had sewed name tags into your underwear for summer camp, you had to wonder whether she would still be alive when you got home? Or what if you were 6 years old and got packed off to "Cancer Camp" by your grieving father not long after your mother died of the disease? That's what happened to Kieran Ward, of Menlo Park, now 13, who had to get on a wait... posted on Oct 27 2013, 4,220 reads


Avoiding the 'I'll-Give-Back-Later' Trap
Steve Davis is president and CEO of PATH, an international nonprofit whose goal is to help communities break longstanding cycles of poor health. The cross-sectoral skills he attained during his earlier work in other organizations, he says, are crucial when it comes to adapting innovations to the places that need them most. In this interview, he talks about his approach to leadership and the import... posted on Oct 26 2013, 14,203 reads


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We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.
Anaïs Nin

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