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What Is Gratitude?
"Robert Emmons, perhaps the world's leading scientific expert on gratitude, argues that gratitude has two key components, which he describes in a Greater Good essay, "Why Gratitude is Good."... posted on Nov 28 2013, 44,809 reads


When You Listen To A Child
"Having a parent that listens creates a child who believes he or she has a voice that matters in this world," says Rachel Macy Stafford, a young mother who, in this digital age, has made the life changing decision to go completely 'hands free'. She did so to ensure her children always knew, that their voice in this world matters. "Because," she continues, "someday our children will find themselves... posted on Nov 26 2013, 88,761 reads


Why Compassion in Business Makes Sense
Managers often think that putting pressure on employees will increase performance. However, recent research shows that when organizations promote an ethic of compassion rather than a culture of stress, they may not only see a happier workplace but also an improved bottom line. Dr. Emma Seppala, the associate director of Stanford's Center for Compassion and Altruism Research, explores how managers ... posted on Nov 25 2013, 29,781 reads


A Tea Shop Making A Difference
Sometimes the issues ailing our world seem so huge, and our ability to resolve them so small. The story of Katrell Christie, however, and her ability to react with a sincere generosity in the face of a seemingly challenging social issue, gives hope and inspiration. After listening to the story of three orphaned girls on a trip to India, she promised to return and help -- and though she did not k... posted on Nov 24 2013, 8,956 reads


Artship in America
Slobodan Dan Paich's bold vision as an artist has taken him across many different countries, peoples, and cultures. Through a series of improbable events that led him to become a child radio and film star in his native Yugoslavia, Slobodan has had an unusual life. In this interview at his very small apartment in San Francisco, Slobodan describes his fascinating journey from architectural experimen... posted on Nov 23 2013, 15,711 reads


Not More, But Better: The Story of Solutions
The final film in the 'Story of Stuff' series asks, "What if the goal of our economy wasn't more, but better -- better health, better jobs, and a better chance to survive on the planet?" According to Annie Leonard, we get better and better at playing the wrong game. See what game she suggests:... posted on Nov 21 2013, 27,557 reads


Maya Angelou On Resilience and Children
"If children are given the chance to believe they're worth something-- if they truly believe that-- they will insist upon it. That is in Rome, Italy, or Rome, Arkansas; in Paris, France, or Paris, Texas. Children don't have to be born with a silver spoon in their mouths, but if they can be convinced they're the best, they become resilient. They themselves will resist any attempts to belittle them.... posted on Nov 19 2013, 17,503 reads


21 Blessings in Disguise
"It's easy to give thanks for the blessings that we do have. Love, family, friends, bounty. These are the hugs and warmth and praises analogous to a soothing back rub or an aromatic cup of tea. For these, we are thankful daily. They make us feel good and we expect and receive them with little to no toll." But then there are the things that do take a toll -- like our insecurities, flaws, sadness, a... posted on Nov 18 2013, 62,298 reads


Top 30 Innovations of the Last 30 Years
"Imagine this is 1979: If you were reading this article back then, chances are you would have read it on paper -- with a printed newspaper or magazine in your hands. Today, you are probably reading it on a desktop computer, a laptop (or as a printout from either of these), or perhaps even on your Blackberry or iPhone. The pace of innovation has been so hectic in recent years that it is hard to ima... posted on Nov 17 2013, 36,313 reads


Best Foot Forward
"At a young age, Nicholas Lowinger learned not to take things for granted. When he was 5 years old and visiting a homeless shelter with his mother, he was excited for the opportunity to show off his new light-up sneakers to the rest of the kids. But his mom cautioned him against doing so, explaining that these children might not have such luxuries. Sure enough, when Nicholas met kids at the shel... posted on Nov 16 2013, 6,504 reads


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Great acts are made up of small deeds.
Lao Tzu

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