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Gaze Even Here
How do we look upon the brokenness of ourselves and the world, and in fixing our gaze, relinquish our desire to fix or change? Is it possible to just be with what is broken, to look, and in looking, come to love? Click here to walk with Trebbe Johnson through the clearcut forests of Vancouver, and journeys towards an acceptance of the world as it is.... posted on Jan 10 2014, 8,461 reads


Transformative Organizing: A Labor of Love
Elizabeth Flores played a pivotal role in the quest for equal rights of undocumented workers. Her passionate work helped persuade Governor Jerry Brown to sign the "California Domestic Workers Bill of Rights" into law. Flores' approach was one of 'transformative organizing' -- a way of combating injustice, that emphasizes creating change through how we are as individuals, how we relate to one anoth... posted on Jan 09 2014, 15,510 reads


Cultivating Compassion
So here is the situation: the brain we have inherited from millions of years of evolution is both a gift and a curse, if not understood and used wisely. But if we can come to understand why and how to cultivate compassion within us, we can begin to become the people we want to be. In this article, discover how you can make a commitment towards becoming more compassionate.... posted on Jan 08 2014, 34,086 reads


Haircuts for Hugs
"Each Wednesday, barber Anthony Cymerys sets up his chair in the shade of an oak tree in Hartford's Bushnell Park. His clients line up on park benches, some of them also turning out for free meals provided on Wednesdays by a local church. One by one they take a seat in a folding lawn chair above a car battery Cymerys uses to power his clippers. For longtime clients, the homeless, or those just do... posted on Jan 05 2014, 9,991 reads


An Artist's Healing Project In Rwanda
Lily Yeh is a global artist who is fueled by a belief that art is a human right, and that artists can create a foundation for profound social change. This film documents the design, building and impact of the Rugerero Genocide Memorial, a project that brought hope and healing to the traumatized survivors of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. The monument now serves as the official memorial site for the ... posted on Jan 04 2014, 3,312 reads


Awakening Sight: Reflections From A Photographer
When photographer David Ulrich faced losing his sight he had a life-changing experience,less under the dominion of ego, and more open to life, to people, and to the changes inherent in our lives. He discovered that "The nature of our perceptions is relative and depends on our state of awareness and state of being." Follow his journey to another kind of seeing... ... posted on Jan 03 2014, 30,882 reads


Resilience: The Opposite of Depression
"Happiness isn't the opposite of depression -- resilience is, according to psychologist Peter Kramer. Think of the people you most admire -- many of them didn't get where they are just by sailing through life without any negative experiences or failures. Most of them distinguished themselves by their ability to get right back up every time they fall, a truism reflected in countless inspirational q... posted on Jan 02 2014, 163,873 reads


A Story of Grace & Grit
"I don't look at myself as a healer, but I do know healing when I'm in the presence of it. And it's mysterious, magical ... It's not dependent upon the action of any one person, but it arises from the conglomerative energies. It's a team effort, always. It comes about with great love, and it gives great love." Dr. Grace Dammann was a frontline AIDS physician who survived a devastating accident fi... posted on Dec 31 2013, 27,063 reads


8 Ways to Find More Meaning at Work
Approximately two-thirds of our waking life is spent at work, and yet only one-third of employees report that they are engaged with their work. Yet, the opportunities for finding or amplifying meaning at work are abundant. These range from finding a sense of purpose, receiving prestige, actualizing one's self through learning and accomplishment, and being part of the social fabric of a work commun... posted on Dec 30 2013, 38,064 reads


Rumi, Grace & Human Friendship
"Tami Simon speaks with Coleman Barks, a leading scholar and translator of the 13th century Persian mystic, Jelaluddin Rumi. Coleman's work was the subject of an hour-long segment in Bill Moyers' Language of Life series with PBS. In this episode, Simon speaks with Coleman about the extraordinary friendship between Rumi and his teacher Shams Tabriz. ... posted on Dec 29 2013, 36,051 reads


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You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back.
Barbara De Angelis

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