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Timeless Wisdom From Marcus Aurelius
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius' most enduring legacy is not his external power, but his deeply held conviction that each one of us is endowed with the inner power to control our minds and responses to external events. In his extensive compilation of writings, collectively titled 'Meditations', Aurelius describes how to develop a mindset that can deal well with any experiences or emotions that arise... posted on Mar 29 2014, 107,767 reads


The Difference Between Meaning & Happiness
Philosophers, researchers, spiritual leaders -- they've all debated what makes life worth living. Is it a life filled with happiness or a life filled with purpose and meaning? Is there even a difference between the two? Recently some researchers have explored these questions in depth, trying to tease apart the differences between a meaningful life and a happy one. Their research suggests there's m... posted on Mar 28 2014, 35,186 reads


Three Short Pieces To Reframe Your Day
"Footsteps in the hall and the familiar sound of a key turning in its lock. My husband is home. He drops his lunch bag by the door like a schoolboy. Hurry, he says, there's something time-sensitive you need to see. I am pulled to my feet by curiosity and the urgency in his voice. We hustle into the cool, dark arms of a January night.." In these three short pieces a writer opens a window onto every... posted on Mar 26 2014, 27,091 reads


Q&A With Daniel Goleman
"I think attentional skills are fundamentally under siege today. Never before in human history have there been so many seductive distractors in a person's day, in a given hour, or in 10 minutes...I think this is another reason to develop a meta-awareness about where our attention has gone. I think we need to make more effort and cultivate more strength to detach [our attention] from that thing tha... posted on Mar 25 2014, 23,219 reads


18 Things Highly Creative People Do Differently
"Creativity works in mysterious and often paradoxical ways. Creative thinking is a stable, defining characteristic in some personalities, but it may also change based on situation and context. Inspiration and ideas often arise seemingly out of nowhere and then fail to show up when we most need them, and creative thinking requires complex cognition yet is completely distinct from the thinking proce... posted on Mar 24 2014, 179,772 reads


Helping Kids Overcome Fear of Failure
Are kids kept safe from failure nowadays, and in the process, are they failing to develop the resiliency needed to confront life's mistakes and challenges head on? According to UC Berkeley professor Martin Covington, fear of failure is directly linked to our feelings of self-worth, and many children go to great lengths to avoid failing. Knowing this, what can we do to create a safer environment fo... posted on Mar 23 2014, 30,959 reads


Beauty Feeds A Different Kind of Hunger
A fifth-generation Mormon and author of numerous books whose subjects span activism, family, and meditations on place, Terry Williams writes of women, relationships, faith, and environment, and how they are inextricably linked. In her own words, "I believe the first time I found my voice was when I crossed the line at the Nevada Test Site in 1988. It was one year after my mother died. It was one ... posted on Mar 22 2014, 6,212 reads


Brene Brown On The Courage To Be Vulnerable
Do you remember the last time you felt completely vulnerable? It's a rather uncomfortable feeling that causes most people to rush through to a 'quick fix' -- desperate to avoid the discomforts of feeling exposed. We tend to view our vulnerability as a sign of weakness. But, what if the opposite were actually true? What if vulnerability was absolutely essential to wholehearted living? According to ... posted on Mar 21 2014, 33,619 reads


Because I'm Happy
It's a fun fact that the Oscar-nominated song from a movie about a bad guy (Despicable Me 2) actually turns out to be something positive. And not just positive but absolutely jivin'! Pharrell Williams' "Happy" is an anthem to sharing your light and letting your energy burst through your seams. And it's fast becoming a movement. Watch this video that defies you to stay still or glum for more than a... posted on Mar 20 2014, 13,406 reads


6 Habits of Highly Grateful People
When's the last time you stopped to smell the bread baking? Learn more about taking the time to appreciate the little things, and how this and other habits of highly grateful people can help support a lifetime of appreciative presence. ... posted on Mar 19 2014, 182,308 reads


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One planet, one experiment.
E.O. Wllson

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