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The Heart of Urban Resilience: Trust Not Tech
"We are facing an uncertain future as a result of climate change; disasters do seem to be happening all too often. But does our emerging notion of resilience, as a result, become an alternate way of thinking about disaster management rather than a longer term means to consider how to make our cities more robust and flexible in the face of uncertainty?" Leo Hollis answers this question and more in ... posted on May 27 2014, 11,227 reads


Ed Johnson: Beauty & Science
" the element that makes it possible for a real breakthrough in thought to take place. And beauty...goes a long way in establishing the bona fides of the results of scientific experiments." If these sound like interesting thoughts to be coming from a molecular biologist, you may want to read on to hear the full conversation between interviewer Richard Whitaker and remarkable researcher... posted on May 26 2014, 11,203 reads


Sow Much Good
When Robin Emmons first helped her struggling brother transition to a mental health facility, she never imagined that his physical health would so drastically decline. The residents were existing on a diet of canned and sugary foods, the only diet the facility could afford. This is an all too common reality for many living in low income areas. They are cut off from access to fresh, wholesome foods... posted on May 25 2014, 12,898 reads


7 Years Around the World...On Foot
Join Paul Salopek as he goes on one of the most ambitious journey's ever undertaken by any man: circumnavigating the world...on foot. Along the way, the award-winning journalist hopes to chronicle not only the major themes of our time -- such as climate change, mass migration and cultural survival -- but also the stories of those everyday people from some of the most remote places on earth. As he ... posted on May 24 2014, 2,964 reads


What To Remember When Waking
"There is a small opening into the new day which closes the moment you begin your plans. What you can plan is too small for you to live." These beautiful words from poet, David Whyte capture the very essence of wholehearted living - to cultivate gratitude and joy, in the absence of all self-imposed limitations. Read the complete poem here.... posted on May 23 2014, 4,240 reads


6 Things Shyness Can Teach Us
Most people have experienced episodes of shyness in their lives, and some may even be naturally inclined towards having a shy personality. Shy people are often deep thinkers, observant, and good listeners who like to be aware of themselves and others. In a world where gregariousness and rapid action has taken centre stage, this article points out a handful of things that shyness can teach us about... posted on May 22 2014, 24,329 reads


Toy Stories: Children and Their Favorite Things
For over a year, photographer and journalist Gabriele Galimberti visited more than 50 countries and created colorful images of boys and girls with their most prized possessions: their toys. From Texas to India, Malawi to China, Iceland, Morocco, and Fiji, Galimberti recorded the spontaneous and natural joy that unites kids despite their diverse backgrounds. Whether the child owns a veritable fleet... posted on May 21 2014, 17,071 reads


What Does Happiness Conceal?
What does happiness conceal? asks John Quiggin. Chiefly this: that there is a reason everyone reads Dante's 'Inferno' and no one reads his 'Paradiso'. 'All happy families are alike,' Tolstoy wrote. Maybe there just isn't anything interesting to say about happiness. Or is there? Read on...... posted on May 20 2014, 8,571 reads


Don't Be So Sure
Margaret Wheatley explains why now, more than ever, we need curiosity and a willingness to embrace uncertainty in order to deal with the challenges of our time. "I'm not suggesting we let go of our beliefs altogether, only that we become curious about what someone else believes...When we listen with less judgment, we always develop better relationships with [those we thought we couldn't understand... posted on May 19 2014, 28,351 reads


One Simple Wish
A young child wished for a suit so that he might attend a family member's funeral. He is just one of more than 250,000 children in the U.S. who enter the foster care system every year. While this system may provide relief to children in need, the impact of being moved from placement to placement can cause a child to lose hope in the simpler things. Luckily, for this child an anonymous benefactor s... posted on May 18 2014, 5,272 reads


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Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.
Albert Einstein

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