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Arianna Huffington: Can Gratitude Help You Thrive?
"Grace and gratitude have the same Latin root, gratus. Whenever we find ourselves in a stop-the-world-I-want-to-get-off mindset, we can remember that there is another way and open ourselves to grace. And it often starts with taking a moment to be grateful for this day, for being alive, for anything." In an excerpt from her new book, Arianna Huffington explores how gratitude helped her to find mean... posted on Jun 07 2014, 21,718 reads


The Hidden Joy of Waiting In Line
"Americans spend an estimated 37 billion hours waiting in line each year, much to our individual and collective distaste. Few things inspire as much universal frustration and ire as long queues and lengthy wait times -- many of us even struggle to wait for a sluggish web browser to load." Why do we dislike waiting so much -- and what can we do to transform that familiar feeling of frustration? Th... posted on Jun 06 2014, 0 reads


10 Things Creative People Know
Do you consider yourself creative? According to Peggy Taylor and Charles Murphy, even if you don't consider yourself creative, you are more creative than you realize. "Creativity is not found just in the chosen few who exhibit artistic talent. It is a force that flows through every single one of us, allowing us to dream things up and make them happen." Creativity, in other words, is more than art... posted on Jun 05 2014, 1,896 reads


The Attention Economy
For all the sophistication of a world in which most of our waking hours are spent consuming or interacting with media, we have scarcely advanced in our understanding of what attention means. Attending is closely connected to anticipation. Soldiers snap to attention to signify readiness and respect. Teachers shout 'Pay attention!' at slumped students whose thoughts have meandered, calling them back... posted on Jun 04 2014, 6,045 reads


Trying Not To Try: Cultivating the Art of Spontaneity
"The best way to get approval is not to need it" Hugh MacLeod memorably counseled. We now know that perfectionism kills creativity and excessive goal-setting limits our success rather than begetting it -- all different manifestations of the same deeper paradox of the human condition, at once disconcerting and comforting, which Edward Slingerland, professor of Asian Studies and Embodied Cognition a... posted on Jun 03 2014, 14,100 reads


A Blessing For One Who Is Exhausted
"You have traveled too fast over false ground; Now your soul has come to take you back." In this poem, John O'Donohue, Irish poet, author, and philosopher, beautifully expresses the process of slowly returning to oneself that can heal the heart after times of suffering.... posted on Jun 02 2014, 168,351 reads


6 Mindfulness Practices For Leaders (And Everyone, Really)
As Jon Kabat-Zinn puts it, mindfulness "wakes us up to the fact that our lives unfold only in moments." If we're not fully present for those moments, we may miss what's most valuable in our lives, both personally and professionally. Simply put, mindfulness is about not living in your head all the time and is about paying attention to where you are, what you're doing, or who you're talking to so th... posted on Jun 01 2014, 144,030 reads


The Importance of Poetry in Childhood
"Growing up isn't what it used to be. Today, our kids, from even the youngest of ages, are bombarded with stimuli far exceeding what we, or any of the generations preceding us, ever had to cope with. How do we keep our kids grounded in the midst of iPads and pop up ads, TV screens and Twitter memes?" Preschool teacher and poet David Griswold offers that poetry may hold at least part of the answer.... posted on May 31 2014, 17,256 reads


An Invitation: Practicing Wonder
"Wonder is how we open 'the hand of thought.' It can lift our minds out of the mud of rational resignation and open them into wild relational cartwheels of insight. Wonder is the place where prejudices fall away and our capacity to notice life increases. You have known how to do it since you were a child." As deeply embedded and reflexive wonder is in our early life, somehow the capacity to be in ... posted on May 30 2014, 25,601 reads


Freely vs Free: A Healer's Perspective
The deeper truths that reside within us sometimes surface when we least expect it. Thuy Nguyen was a little more than taken off guard when a woman in her donation-based acupuncture session asked her why she gave away her work for free. Was she trying to fix a "broken world"? She didn't know where to begin to respond, and the woman's question stayed with her. Eventually it led her to a beautiful di... posted on May 28 2014, 24,010 reads


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The longest journey of any person is the journey inward.
Dag Hammerskjöld

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