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The Lost Voice of A Generation
None of us can know the span of our life. Some of us will live a long life and die in old age; others leave much sooner. No, the meaning of life is not how long we live, it's about the fact that we lived at all, and that we touch the lives of others by living. Poet Marina Keegan may have died young, and tragically, but she had found her voice, and expressed it through poetry that touched the lives... posted on Jul 28 2014, 25,909 reads


Calling Out The Delusions Of A Techno-Industrial Society
Stories about the human colonization of other worlds were popular in the 1950s, with a promise of material abundance, and much of the population of the Western world excited about the possibilities offered by new technologies and a beneficial, authoritative science. That humans could extend their reach to other worlds seemed inevitable progress. Today, the popular faith in science and technology h... posted on Jul 27 2014, 14,411 reads


Letters To A Young Artist
As artists and change makers, how can character be cultivated in such a way as to foster that prized form of personal dignity, along with its sibling qualities of confidence and self-esteem? Maria Popova gives us a quick overview of Letters to a Young Artist, a book by celebrated artist, actor, playwright, and educator Anna Deavere Smith, which aims to answer these questions and more.... posted on Jul 26 2014, 11,874 reads


10 Life Lessons Kids Can Teach Us
Do you remember how wonderful it felt to be a child? Adventure was our only calling, and courage seemed never ending. And subsequently, we seemed to enjoy our life so much more. In this beautiful article we are reminded of 10 life lessons that children teach us every day. Read more to discover new ways in which we might incorporate our younger selves into the joy of our daily being. ... posted on Jul 25 2014, 75,454 reads


A Stranger's Life-Saving Gift
On July 2, Stephanie Headley was counting the days she had left to live. The Ottawa woman is suffering from an autoimmune disease that, without expensive treatment, will cause her heart to fail. On July 3, thanks to a mysterious stranger who showed up at her door, she had in her hands more than enough money to get the treatment that can save her life. Two weeks later, she still struggles to explai... posted on Jul 24 2014, 7,128 reads


The Innovation of Loneliness
While our focus is shifting towards individual achievements over community, more and more people are feeling lonely. They feel vulnerable opening up to others for warm, friendly, heart-to-heart conversations. Then, along comes social media...As people share and chat from islands of isolation, filtering and massaging information, they are undermining the genuine credibility of conversation. Bits an... posted on Jul 23 2014, 5,774 reads


Maya Angelou On Identity & The Meaning of Life
Through the sheer tenacity of her character and talent, despite being born into a tumultuous working-class family, abandoned by her father at the age of three, and abused in her childhood, the late Maya Angelou became a cultural phenomenon. This interview from 1977 brings us timeless wisdom from this phenomenal woman, as she explores issues of identity and the meaning of life. ... posted on Jul 22 2014, 27,535 reads


The Age of Outrospection
In the age of outrospection, the journey lies in taking a whole-hearted leap into the shoes of another. Outrospection, defined by Maptia as understanding "life through the eyes of others, fostering an adventurous curiosity for other lives and places beyond our own experience." Widening our circle of compassion from loved ones to embrace all beings with care and goodwill not only has intrinsic valu... posted on Jul 21 2014, 22,909 reads


Ten Things Creative People Know
Do you consider yourself creative? If you answer, "no," you are in the majority; most people don't think they are creative. It turns out, though, that you don't have to be a great artist to be creative. Creativity is simply our ability to dream things up and make them happen. Cooking breakfast, planting a garden, even developing a business plan are all creative acts. Creative expression boosts ser... posted on Jul 20 2014, 20,844 reads


America's Most Tenacious Gardeners
Camden, just across the Delaware River from Philadelphia, has about the worst of any city in America. It's been ranked at various times as both the poorest and the most dangerous. As so many flee the violence and crime, it may seem strange that others are literally putting down roots. A recent study revealed that Camden's gardens may be the fastest growing in the country. The city needs fresh food... posted on Jul 19 2014, 14,391 reads


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Concentration is the secret of strength.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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