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Jim Hunter on Servant Leadership
Jim Hunter has been training servant leaders for over 30 years and is the author of two internationally best-selling books on the topic. Servant leadership brings love to leadership, and Hunter defines it as "the business of identifying and meeting people's legitimate needs, seeking their greatest good so they can grow." In this interview, Hunter discusses how to create real change through servant... posted on Aug 07 2014, 30,431 reads


How Life Has Transformed Our Planet
One could easily be forgiven for thinking that life bears little connection to rocks. After all, what could be more different than a fragrant rose and a cold chunk of granite? Minerals are usually defined as naturally occurring inorganic substances that combine to form rocks. Yet minerals (two out of three, in fact) arise as a result of biological processes.... posted on Aug 06 2014, 4,981 reads


Towards A Psychology of Hope
Hope is among the strongest human emotions. Research shows it's good for our physical and emotional well being. And it's often the 'thread' that pulls us through. Traditionally hope has been thought to be one of those things that you either have...or, you don't. But, what if hope can be learned? According to Anthony Scioli, a professor of psychology and author of The Power of Hope, this human emot... posted on Aug 05 2014, 46,581 reads


Tools Of Our Tools: The Role Of Technology In Our Lives
These days, we function in many ways as the "tools of our tools" -- beings bound to our devices and technology. "But even as our ancestors developed tools over time to leverage their muscles, senses and brains, they also developed tools to leverage their soul, or psyche, so as to be composed within themselves, and thus try to establish just and civil societies." Here Tom Mahon shares his thoughts ... posted on Aug 04 2014, 25,083 reads


Dreaming of a Peaceful World
Although much of the world continues to view nonviolence as a passive and largely ineffectual tactic, peacefulness has indeed been used as a tool for change since before the time of Christ all the way up until the present. In his latest book, “The Nonviolence Handbook”, author Michael Nagler explains how to use the practice of nonviolence for the sake of progress and challenging injust... posted on Aug 03 2014, 215,333 reads


The Courage to Master Fundamentals
What began as a simple training day at the gym, soon became an observation for a courageous new way of living. Mastering the fundamentals may be difficult, but, it allows us the opportunity to engage whole-hardheartedly in the real work at hand -- without getting too lost in the details. "When you eliminate everything that is unnecessary," offers writer, James Clear, "there are no details to hide ... posted on Aug 02 2014, 26,858 reads


A Safe Haven In Nepal
2010 CNN Hero of the Year, Anuradha Koirala, started Maiti Nepal (roughly translated to "mother's home") to protect Nepali women and girls from crimes such as domestic violence, trafficking, prostitution, child labor, and other forms of exploitation and torture. Since 1993, Maiti Nepal has helped rescue and rehabilitate more than 12,000 women and girls, providing a safe place for them to recover a... posted on Aug 01 2014, 2,691 reads


The 6 Essential Conditions of Creativity
“Surprise is not easily defined. It is the unexpected that strikes one with wonder or astonishment. What is curious about effective surprise is that it need not be rare or infrequent or bizarre and is often none of these things. Effective surprises … seem rather to have the quality of obviousness about them when they occur, producing a shock of recognition following which there is no l... posted on Jul 31 2014, 21,493 reads


Power of Place: Photos From Around the World
Steve Mccury captures the beauty and uniqueness of different places that the human family calls home from around the planet. His photos bring to light that our environments play a role in shaping our perceptions about what it means to be human--from our relationship to the weather to our relationship to the soul. ... posted on Jul 30 2014, 21,230 reads


Look With Your Heart: Lessons From My Grandmother
Mia Tagano visits her 94 year old grandmother -- who now has dementia -- and discovers a whole new, less verbal, way of communicating her love through heart, hands and hugs. To her surprise, when she brings this approach to her grandmother's roommate who has suffered a stroke, it radically transforms their communication and opens up both women profoundly. This heart-warming story shares more...... posted on Jul 29 2014, 0 reads


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