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Jane Goodall On How To Reach Our Highest Potential
Enjoy this wonderful video from NOVA's series "The Secret Life of Scientists and Engineers," where Dr. Jane Goodall, the world-famous primatologist, talks about what she feels is one of life's most important aspects -- empathy. Not only does she believe empathy plays a key role in her studies of chimpanzees, but she also feels strongly that having empathy for other beings in turn brings us closer ... posted on Oct 26 2014, 21,580 reads


Eight Keys To End Bullying
"I am hopeful. I believe we have an opportunity to change the culture of bullying among young people and I think the answer begins with those who live and work with young people every day. It is not complicated policies or grandiose programs that make the most difference, but rather consistent, daily, nurturing acts of reaching out to both children who bully and those who are are the receiving end... posted on Oct 25 2014, 22,183 reads


Alan Watts On The Art of Timing
Alan Watts had a singular way of dispersing our illusory convictions about pairings, such as belief vs. faith or money vs. wealth or productivity vs. presence or ego vs. true self or stimulation vs. wisdom or profit vs. purpose. In Does It Matter? Essays on Man's Relation to Materiality, he considers another such infinitely important duality -- the notions of hurrying and timing. Learn more about ... posted on Oct 24 2014, 11,230 reads


Bridging the Clothing Divide
Developmental organizations typically work on food, education, health care, and economic opportunity, but very few address the need for clothing. For materially poor people, however, clothing is shelter. Anshu Gupta shares, "In earthquakes, the shake kills people; in a tsunami, the water kills people; but in winter, the cold does not kill people. It's the lack of proper clothing. Why don't we cons... posted on Oct 23 2014, 13,784 reads


A Healing Poem From Haiti
Nobody should die from diseases we know how to treat, but over 50,000 people die daily from them. Two UCSF Physicians have started a project called the HEAL Initiative that aims to address health workforce in resource poor communities, from Navajo Nation in New Mexico to Liberia and Haiti and India. They attempt to improve the quality of care, support and train local health professionals. This art... posted on Oct 22 2014, 21,720 reads


Hairstylist For The Homeless
Mark Bustos is a hair stylist at an upscale salon in New York City, but not all of his clientele have to be wealthy to get a quality trim. Sometimes, they don't need a penny. Bustos spends every Sunday -- his only day off from work -- venturing through the city in search of anyone in need who'd appreciate a haircut. Approaching each person with the same, simple phrase -- "I want to do something ni... posted on Oct 21 2014, 32,850 reads


7 Ways To Exercise Your Brain & Why You Should
Researchers believe that your brain performance peaks in your 50's and then begins decreasing. The good news is that the brain is highly adaptable. Repetitive brain exercises practiced both early and later in life keeps the brain strong and helps it combat the reduced memory, thinking speed, problem solving, and reasoning that can set in later in life. Read on to learn about seven easy, scientific... posted on Oct 20 2014, 165,851 reads


Dr. Bob's Clinic of Compassion
Doctor Bob Paeglow could be just another physician working in Albany, New York, but his patients will tell you otherwise. Although he could be making a comfortable living, Dr. Paeglow chooses to operate his clinic, Koinonia Primary Care, free of charge. The clinic runs mainly by the generous donations of others. Patients receive free medical care, or pay whatever they can afford. When patients can... posted on Oct 19 2014, 4,547 reads


This Is Your Brain On Scarcity
Scientists have long recognized that poverty can aggravate health problems. Now they're also beginning to understand that the stress of too little income actually changes the way people think. Princeton psychologist Eldar Shafir says that's normal for someone who's not making ends meet. He studies the brain on scarcity. He says it doesn't matter what kind of scarcity you're dealing with. When huma... posted on Oct 18 2014, 15,302 reads


The Extinction of Quiet
Noise pollution is linked to health problems and some argue it interferes with our natural connection to the earth. As the world's quiet places disappear, are we forgetting how to listen? In 1989, "acoustic ecologist" Gordon Hempton received a grant to document and record the natural sounds of Washington state. He identified 21 wilderness places to record -- sites unsullied by the sounds of traffi... posted on Oct 17 2014, 19,581 reads


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When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.
Malala Yousafzai

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