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Three Benefits To Mindfulness At Work
We all know the benefits of mindfulness in our day. But, do we understand the link between our practice and our performance in the workplace? And is it possible to cultivate this moment to moment awareness in a 'bottom line' driven environment? In a recent study, researchers have found that the more mindful the supervisor, the lower their employees' emotional exhaustion and the higher their job sa... posted on Jan 16 2015, 28,551 reads


5 People Who Changed The World Through Extreme Compassion
What do Francis of Assisi, Beatrice Webb, John Howard Griffin, Gunther Walraff, and Patricia Moore have in common? They were radical empathizers--seeing empathy as a kind of an adventurous, extreme sport in an effort to change the social and political landscapes of their time. Read more about their remarkable journeys here.... posted on Jan 15 2015, 29,710 reads


The Fear And Anxiety Solution
If you live with fear and anxiety, you are not alone. Anxiety is the most common mental illness in the U.S.-- more than 50 million people have been diagnosed with anxiety at some point throughout their lives. Thankfully, Friedemann Schaub gives anxiety sufferers a whole new way of looking at and addressing their condition in his book. He emphasizes that anxiety is the product of a limiting belief ... posted on Jan 14 2015, 0 reads


Just One Thing: Be Amazed
Sometimes noticing the little things make us realize how truly amazing life can be. Showing love, being forgiving and taking time to be awed by things we take for granted, like the beauty of a butterfly or the power of a hug, can be powerful reminders to be grateful. Read further to be reminded of how beautiful life can be.... posted on Jan 13 2015, 25,858 reads


Building Peace One Teenager At A Time
At times, it seems as if world peace is an impossible dream. Every evening, our television screens bear witness to the violence that invades our societies. And yet, we never lose faith that someday we might once again find our way. Efforts like Seeds of Peace give us reason to believe we can still transform our world. This initiative brings children together from conflict zones across the globe an... posted on Jan 12 2015, 5,386 reads


Brilliant Impersonators: Celebrating The Rip-Off
Inventors are our heroes -- the geniuses who keep progress surging forward. Copycats -- we call them pirates -- are a threat. But according to researchers, throughout human history, innovation has been fueled and sustained by imitation. Copying is the mighty force that has allowed the human race to move from stone knives to remote-guided drones. We're natural-born rip-off artists. To be human is t... posted on Jan 11 2015, 5,234 reads


Building Empathy In Healthcare
Doctors are now being taught the communication of empathy, along with the ability to understand patients' emotions, in the hope that it can facilitate more accurate diagnoses and more caring treatment. In an interview, Dr. Helen Riess, the founder of Empathetics, discusses her innovative work on fostering empathy in the physician-patient relationship and its implications for improving healthcare d... posted on Jan 10 2015, 15,432 reads


Which Countries Are The Happiest?
Is it income or social inclusion that determines the level of happiness one feels? To what extent, if any, does geography contribute to one's happiness? In a study of more than 40,000 students representing 200 countries, researchers examined these questions to try to arrive at the science of happiness. Read on for the results and to see if your country is represented in the study!... posted on Jan 09 2015, 35,496 reads


From Rwandan Garbage Dump To Harvard
After 2-year old Justus' parents vanished during the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda, he lived in a stripped-out car in the Kigali City Dump, surviving on food scraps thrown out by nearby restaurants and hotels. Six years later, Clare Effiong was driving through Rwandan dirt roads in a taxi cab, looking for ways to "do good." Her intuition told her to pull over when she saw a group of children, including ... posted on Jan 08 2015, 24,089 reads


6 Promising Trends For The New Nature Movement
When we view nature as a collection of resources, it's easy to lose sight of our place in the greater scheme of life on planet earth. Fortunately, more and more research is affirming what many feel in their bones: that connecting with the natural world is intimately tied to our health and development. Here are six promising trends for those striving to reintegrate nature into the lives of children... posted on Jan 07 2015, 27,671 reads


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For it is in giving that we receive.
St. Francis of Assisi

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