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Remembering An Outsider Artist
"The old man, Smith, was another story. For one thing, he possessed style. His hair, combed straight back, fell toward his shoulders. His straw hat was rakish. Smith was lean, and cut a figure. His walking, as was plain to see, was a pure pleasure; he took things in, savored them. I'd see him, with his blaze of white hair, walking up the hill, wooden staff in hand, stopping to gaze into the trees ... posted on Feb 15 2015, 12,804 reads


It Is Now That My Life Is Mine
Imagine beginning a practice of gratitude that would someday help transform another's world. In 2008, and in the midst of her own personal challenge, Hailey Bartholomew did just that -- snapping one photo each day of something she was grateful for. This simple act led to the creation of -- a site which would soon inspire thousands. Among them, a young mother named Amy Gill - who, in the mi... posted on Feb 14 2015, 5,706 reads


60 Kind Acts For My 60th Birthday
There is little in this world that provides a greater sense of inner peace than taking the time to do something kind for others. And, we shouldn't have to wait for "World Kindness Day" to take advantage of this. Rather, kindness can be something which is gently infused into each day. Read one woman's heart-opening experience as she challenged herself to a 60-day kindness challenge in celebration o... posted on Feb 13 2015, 36,637 reads


Tiny Living: Making it Work
When it comes to owning a home, the phrase "bigger is better" has become the norm. But a new breed of home owners have decided to go with the "less is more" approach and scale down to -- gulp! -- well below 500 sq. feet. The reasons are clear right away: less expensive, less cleaning, less maintenance -- and also more energy efficient, cozy and elegantly streamlined. As Jay Shafer wrote in his boo... posted on Feb 12 2015, 25,921 reads


Are You An Adrenaline Addict?
"The other day I was driving home and a text chimed in on my phone. It was one of those really important texts that makes you do stupid things like respond while you are driving. Which I nearly did. Instead, I pulled over, and started letting my fingers fly on the tiny keyboard...Before I could finish the text, I realized something interesting. I was actually addicted to that brief moment of relie... posted on Feb 11 2015, 23,018 reads


Walking Our Way To Health & Happiness
"Walking is going places. Over recent decades, walking has come to be widely viewed as a slow, tiresome, old-fashioned way to get around. But that's changing now as Americans recognize that traveling by foot can be a health breakthrough, an economic catalyst, and the route to happiness...The evidence that millions of people are finally walking again is as solid as the ground beneath our feet." Rea... posted on Feb 10 2015, 26,116 reads


The Dinner Party: Breaking Bread, Healing Hearts
When Lennon Flowers' mom passed away from lung cancer during her senior year in college, Lennon kept herself busy to avoid dealing with the pain which eventually hit her a year later, making her feel shameful and alone. A turning point came when Lennon met Carla Fernandez who had just lost her father. The friends decided to organize a dinner party for five women who had lost a parent at a young ... posted on Feb 09 2015, 11,857 reads


Awakening The Wisdom Of The Heart
What does it mean to live from the heart? According to Dena Merriam, founding member of the Contemplative Alliance, it means living with a fuller appreciation of what it means to be a human being on this earth. The wisdom of the heart shows us our connection to the whole. If we move from a consciousness of just thinking about ourselves first, to one of the well-being of the whole, things will evol... posted on Feb 08 2015, 5,483 reads


The New Farmers
With an environment in crisis, a new generation of young farmers is taking their action from the streets back to the soil. In this article from Orion Magazine, writer Lauren Markham explores the motivations that have driven this newest generation of farmers to relinquish the comforts of urban life, and to take the reins of a new farming movement.... posted on Feb 07 2015, 8,304 reads


The Gifts of Hibernation
"So hibernation is a threefold time. It is a time for retreat and replenishment... a time for our wordless philosophy to finally be born...a time for our hidden destiny to whisper in our heart, You're not forgotten. I'm still here. We're in this together." For all of us who feel swept up in the buzz of achieving rather than being, Andreana A. Lefton's sincere reflection on rest and integration is ... posted on Feb 06 2015, 26,614 reads


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For it is in giving that we receive.
Saint Francis of Assisi

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