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Four Years of Compassion College
In this moving and thought-provoking talk, ServiceSpace founder Nipun Mehta considers what four years of Compassion College might look like. Through powerful stories of real-life people from South Africa, to India, and from Silicon Valley to Taiwan he illustrates our potential to cultivate generosity in every moment, no matter what our circumstances. He vividly draws comparisons between the four s... posted on Apr 06 2015, 3,980 reads


What Does It Mean To Be Fully Human
"To be fully human is really to discover who I am ... To discover who I am is to discover also the unity between my head and my heart." Jean Vanier answers some "big questions" including "what does it mean to be fully human"-- questions that are the hallmark of the Templeton Prize. Vanier is the 2015 Templeton Prize Laureate for his work with L'Arche, a revolutionary international network of commu... posted on Apr 05 2015, 6,005 reads


Can Kids Teach Themselves?
"It's crazy that in a system that is meant to teach and help the youth, there is no voice for the youth at all." A highschool in Massachusets is trying a radical experiment by letting students design and lead their own learning for a semester. During the "Independence Project," students are left alone for most of the day to pursue their chosen work, meeting with teachers only once a day for guidan... posted on Apr 04 2015, 6,318 reads


Desmond Tutu: Forgiveness Is Liberating
"In many ways it has been unbelievable. It has been almost breathtaking--this willingness to forgive, this magnanimity, this nobility of spirit." Desmond Tutu shared these words in 1997, speaking to a crowd about South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and their efforts to heal the deep wounds of racism. In the wake of the killings of Mike Brown and Eric Garner, scholar Angela Davis su... posted on Apr 03 2015, 12,894 reads


Definitions of Success Down the Ages
Author Bessie Anderson Stanley once defined a successful person as someone who "has left the world better than he found it." Lao Tzu, on the other hand, argued that success was to be found in the journey, not the destination. No matter your definition, we all aspire to be successful - to be the best version of ourselves, to inspire others, and to leave the world a better place. Read on to be inspi... posted on Apr 02 2015, 20,443 reads


Thoughts On Hope, Cynicism & Stories We Tell Ourselves
"Critical thinking without hope is cynicism. Hope without critical thinking is naivete." What is the capital "T" truth when it comes to the state of affairs in our world today? Are we better off than we were before? Are we coming apart at the seams? Can we even know? Maria Popova of Brain Pickings offers her thoughts on how news and the media shape our perceptions of the now, and the crucial impor... posted on Apr 01 2015, 15,173 reads


Replace The Gospel of Money
Change or die. That's the provocative belief of former Harvard Business School professor David Korten as he seeks to radically change the way the world thinks, especially when it comes to the subject of money. Wanting to steer away from the old paradigm that holds money and markets sacred, he believes the world needs to quickly shift into the emerging "Sacred Life and Living Earth" story. This art... posted on Mar 31 2015, 18,301 reads


Before I Go: A Neurosurgeon's Final Reflections On Mortality
Einstein was one of the first to confirm that time and space are truly relative phenomena, and no where is relativity more palpable than in the operating room of a hospital. For neurosurgeon Paul Kalanithi, time as he knew it underwent a radical shift when he was diagnosed with metastatic lung cancer. From the rush of the operating room to the tortoise trudge of rest and uncertain recovery, Paul, ... posted on Mar 30 2015, 66,520 reads


Opening Doors and Hearts
Opening a door is more than a physical act. It's about putting yourself out there, getting to know people, making them feel comfortable, and making them feel welcome. After being bullied, Josh Yandt decided to make a change that ultimately had a dramatic impact on his life and on the lives of his fellow students. Watch this sweet story of how the London, Ontario, high school paid forward Josh's ac... posted on Mar 29 2015, 5,369 reads


Duane Elgin On Voluntary Simplicity
Duane Elgin is an unusual social visionary, one with an MBA from Wharton and a master's degree in economic history. He is a passionate advocate for shifting away from the consumer mentality which has driven history for hundreds of years. According to Elgin we are now in a time of great transition, a time that can no longer sustain the materialism of a consumerist society, and that calls for new wa... posted on Mar 28 2015, 24,591 reads


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Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth.
Muhammad Ali

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