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Why Finding Your Purpose Is Good For Your Brain
"Your purpose in life, your north star, your passion, your bliss, your inner voice, your wisdom, your calling. What do you call it?" asks Dr. Sarah McKay, a neuroscientist, writer and speaker, who has found one of her life's greatest passions in writing an informative brain health blog. In this article, Dr. McKay highlights some of the positive health and wellness benefits of living a purposeful ... posted on Apr 26 2015, 27,967 reads


Can I Be Fearless?
What's the difference between "be not afraid" and "have no fear"? If fear is a fundamental part of what makes us human, how can we come to better know ourselves and our strengths through the things that make us afraid? Margaret Wheatley ponders these questions and more, pushing us all to be with, rather than be our fears.... posted on Apr 25 2015, 19,146 reads


The Netherlands' Record-Breaking Library
With the constant and rapid changes in technology, and the decline in government funding, public libraries around the world have found themselves at a crossroads. But a small town in the Netherlands has taken a radical approach to creating a library that better fits the realities of the 21st century. Relying heavily on what the community was looking for, they changed the traditional run-of-the-mil... posted on Apr 24 2015, 34,878 reads


The Benefits of Consistency
"With the many landmines out there, ready to derail [the goals of] even the most talented of people, 'showing up' regularly offers undeniable benefits. Some of these perks often go overlooked. For those excited to make progress this year...keep in mind all of the advantages at our disposal when we have an enviable attendance record." Read on to learn about the surprising power of consistently show... posted on Apr 23 2015, 168,920 reads


The Lifecycle of Emergence & Scaling Social Innovation
The importance of networking is often strongly emphasized in today's society. But rarely do we think about networks as being something more than the simple connection between individuals. According to Meg Wheatley and Deborah Frieze, there is a transformation that occurs when networks of individuals come together as active communities of practice -- a new system of influence emerges, one through w... posted on Apr 22 2015, 13,777 reads


What Makes A Great Workplace?
How many of us truly love our jobs? With longer work hours, and less opportunity for creativity and personal advancement - it's no wonder so many of us dread that Monday morning return to work. But, what alternatives do we have? It turns out - there are plenty. In his new book, The Best Place to Work: The Art and Science of Creating an Extraordinary Workplace psychologist Ron Friedman explores the... posted on Apr 21 2015, 193,132 reads


RLabs: From Dropouts to Innovators
As a young boy in South Africa, Marlon Parker struggled for survival in a community with very little hope. But through a fortuitous conversation with a coworker while still a teenager, Parker became inspired to begin studying information technology. Fast forward 15 years, and now Parker finds himself as the proud founder of RLabs, a foundation designed to help inspire young people find ways to cha... posted on Apr 20 2015, 173,415 reads


How I Work To Protect Women From Honor Killings
Up until she was 16, Khalida Brohi attempted to heal the sadness she felt when she witnessed atrocities committed on women in her community by crying into her pillow, silently at night, not knowing how else to help. However, a personal tragedy in her life -- the honor killing murder of her close friend -- moved Brohi into fierce action. A teenager herself, Brohi became a champion of women's righ... posted on Apr 19 2015, 11,064 reads


How To Focus A Wandering Mind
"We've all been there. You're slouched in a meeting or a classroom, supposedly paying attention, but your mind has long since wandered off, churning out lists of all the things you need to do -- or that you could be doing if only you weren't stuck here...Suddenly you realize everyone is looking your way expectantly, waiting for an answer. But you're staring blankly, grasping at straws to make a se... posted on Apr 18 2015, 152,567 reads


The 21-Day Technology Challenge
"The hustle of family life -- work, school, appointments, practice, homework, dinner, bed -- is constant. We move in and out of activities and commitments with ferocity...And since our life is designed to fully embrace living it, we have to be mindful of all the pieces that might creep in and occupy more than their fair share. Technology is one of those pieces." Author Janell Burley Hofmann works ... posted on Apr 17 2015, 17,902 reads


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Quote Bulletin

If you find it in your heart to care for somebody else, you will have succeeded.
Maya Angelou

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