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Rev. Violet Little's Welcome Church
It all began on a cold day in 2006, when the Reverend Violet Little walked into a public restroom in Philadelphia. Inside, she found a woman washing her hair in the sink; and another, using the hand dryer to warm her clothes. They were the city's homeless; the silent voices in the night. It was within this moment that the Welcome Church was born -- a 'church without walls', and one that would soon... posted on May 06 2015, 15,659 reads


Wendell Berry: To Save the Future, Live in the Present
"If we take no thought for the morrow, how will we be prepared for the morrow? A steady stream of poisons is flowing from our croplands into the air and water. The land itself continues to flow or blow away, and in some places erosion is getting worse, and “no-till” technology does not prevent erosion on continuously cropped grainfields." Learn more about how poet and naturalist Wendel... posted on May 05 2015, 11,043 reads


Are You Cultivating Knowledge Or Consuming Information?
The internet represents an unprecedented opportunity to share and access information. But how do we mindfully engage with this tool, and with other emerging technologies, without getting lost in a maelstrom of distractions? Gregory Ciotti suggests that, with a specific set goals for personal growth in mind, we can find a healthier balance between engagement and immersion.... posted on May 04 2015, 21,166 reads


The Real Junk Food Project
For Adam Smith, the slogan 'Life is a Beach' turned out to be somewhat prophetic. Drawing inspiration from his days on the beaches of Australia, Smith decided to dedicate his life to creating The Real Junk Food Project (or TRJFP for short). And the words 'junk food' isn't meant to describe candy bars and potato chips, but rather for food that would otherwise be thrown away as junk from grocers, fa... posted on May 03 2015, 121,292 reads


Kids Making A Mark On The World
Riley De Graff, a resourceful student from Sun Valley Elementary School in San Rafael, CA, effected positive change for the earth by asking a parent to help her recycle used markers in her school. By creating a petition through, the school collected over 90,000 signatures and mobilized a used color markers recycling campaign which is now supported by the Crayola company and Dixon Ticond... posted on May 02 2015, 2,441 reads


A Secular Person's Search For Prayer
After years of trying to manage all of the variables in her life, busy Heather Havrilesky wanted to be in touch with something bigger than her own fluctuating moods and needs, but without a belief system that required her to suspend disbelief. Most of all, she wanted to find a prayer that reminded her to serve other people more. Read more about her quest for a prayer.... posted on May 01 2015, 12,964 reads


A Seizure of Happiness: Mary Oliver On Life's Magic
No one captures the humble grace of presence in daily life better than Mary Oliver. Read a few bewitching passages from her altogether enchanting book, Long Life: Essays and Other Writings... posted on Apr 30 2015, 19,906 reads


The 5 Conditions for the Emergence of Collective Wisdom
There is immense transformative power in the collective if we can learn to skillfully harness the energy that emerges when we gather. In this piece, author and leadership consultant Alan Briskin outlines five conditions for the emergence of collective wisdom. Read on to see which elements you can leverage in your life.... posted on Apr 29 2015, 24,088 reads


What Makes A Teacher Great?
What makes a teacher great? Many of us don't appreciate our mentors and guides as they stand before us. Though, in time, we come to realize the depth and fullness of their lessons. In this loving tribute, the NPR team shares heartwarming stories in tribute to their all time 'greatest' teachers. ... posted on Apr 28 2015, 9,093 reads


The Blind Man & Armless Friend Who Planted Over 10,000 Trees
"Looking at the lush, green, tree-filled stretch of land north of the Yeli Village in China, it's hard to imagine that just 12 years ago, those plains were filled with nothing but rocks and weeds. This miraculous transformation is all thanks to the hard work and dedication of an elderly blind man named Jia Haixia and his friend Jia Wenqi, a double amputee with no arms. For more than 10 years, the ... posted on Apr 27 2015, 30,609 reads


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The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places.
Author Unknown

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