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Start Before You Feel Ready
"Start now, just get on and do it." That's the sort of advice given by billionaire, Richard Branson -- and, his life is a testimony to this simple principle. In fact, Branson has started so many new adventures in his life -- businesses, charities, and expeditions - that it's unlikely he ever felt "ready" to start any of them. But, isn't that sometimes what makes the difference? Forging ahead in l... posted on Jun 25 2015, 24,646 reads


How To Resist Social Distractions
"One can never be alone enough to write"... And yet despite the vast creative and psychological benefits of boredom, we have grown so afraid of it that we have unlearned -- or refused to learn altogether -- the essential art of being alone, so very necessary for contemplation and creative work." In discussing the life and work of 19th century French artist and diarist Eugene Delacroix, Maria Popov... posted on Jun 24 2015, 14,018 reads


15 People Who Saved the Lives of Millions
Whether it be due to a lifetime of work or research, or perhaps just because of an incredible 'in the moment' decision, the following 15 people have been credited with saving the lives of millions of people worldwide. Find out more about these extraordinary -- and sometimes seemingly just ordinary -- people who have helped shape the course of history. ... posted on Jun 23 2015, 55,229 reads


What to Focus on Instead of Goals
"We all have things that we want to achieve in our lives -- getting into better shape, building a successful business, raising a wonderful family, writing a best-selling book, winning a championship, and so on. And for most of us, the path to those things starts by setting a specific and actionable goal." Here, James Clear, wonders whether there might be a better way, than focusing on goals, to ... posted on Jun 22 2015, 38,151 reads


Desmond Tutu & His Daughter: On Ubuntu and More
Can we recover from the legacy of slavery, lynching, land theft, disenfranchisement, redlining, job discrimination, and mass imprisonment? Listen to what Archbishop Desmond Tutu and his daughter, Rev. Mpho Tutu, have to say about Ubuntu, the spirit of forgiveness, which helped South Africa transition from apartheid to a multiracial democracy.... posted on Jun 21 2015, 13,509 reads


I Like Being 98
Evelyn (no last name given) was 97 when her driver's license was taken away from her for no other reason than her age. So, at age 98, she decided to get it back in order to fulfill a promise to a neighbor to get her to the grocery store once a week after their retirement community's bus service was discontinued. "When you make a promise, it's important for me to keep that promise if it's possible.... posted on Jun 20 2015, 6,958 reads


What Can Save The Rain Forest? Your Used Cell Phone
The chirping of birds, the buzz of cicadas, the banter of gibbons--these sounds of the rainforest envelope us, and provide us refuge. And yet, just beyond there is an imminent threat--the ever-present sound of the chainsaw. Every year, our rainforests face a brutal deforestation -- it seems a losing battle. But, what if I told you there might be a rather simple solution to prevent future loss? A s... posted on Jun 19 2015, 11,412 reads


The Gift of Being Sincerely Enthusiastic
Here's a seemingly simple question: Which type of individual would you rather hang out with -- a positive, fun-loving person, or a mean-spirited, highly critical and negative person? As best seller author and blogger Gretchen Rubin sees it -- and further backed up by studies -- the answer for many is surprisingly not as cut and dry as you might think. Enjoy her eye-opening take on this ongoing bat... posted on Jun 18 2015, 14,032 reads


Design For Amplifying Human Potential
As the proliferation of computers, websites and apps continue to explode at a seemingly never-ending pace, a serious question is starting to be asked: Is all this technological innovation helping -- or hindering -- the human experience? Tristan Harris believes we must figure out ways to ensure that these advancements are indeed helping amplify human potential, and not just simply being a massive ... posted on Jun 17 2015, 14,982 reads


Love After Love: An Ode to Being at Home in Ourselves
It is often said that in order to truly love another, you must learn to love yourself. But, what does loving yourself even mean? Enjoy this poem by Nobel Prize-winning poet Derek Walcott that presents one perspective on what it means to love yourself. This masterpiece has been described as "one of the greatest, most soul-stretching poems ever written."... posted on Jun 16 2015, 32,925 reads


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Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless.
Mother Teresa

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