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A Track Inspector's Good Deed Goes Viral
"Everyone has it in their heart to do things like this." Those are the words spoken by Josh Cyganik, who one day decided to take action and simply turn a negative into a positive. Enjoy this uplifting story about how one man's inspiration ended up having a ripple effect that then inspired many others to help out an elderly man and his wife transform their home.... posted on Aug 25 2015, 20,676 reads


The Whole Child & Urban Education
In this rich interview, Ida Oberman, founder of the Community School for Creative Education in East Oakland, California, talks to Richard Whittaker about applying the enrichment of a Waldorf education to urban public schools.... posted on Aug 24 2015, 7,664 reads


Service Surf Dog Ricochet
Ricochet was a puppy prodigy. From the moment she was born, she was training to become a service dog for a person with a disability. As she grew, it was clear her talents were undeniable; but her free, youthful spirit could not be contained -- Ricochet would give in to her instincts to run playfully and chase birds and small animals. A definite no-no for a service dog. Rather than push harder to m... posted on Aug 23 2015, 4,700 reads


We Can't Eat GDP
What does GDP - gross domestic product - fail to account for? When we really start to dig into the numbers, we find that this long-held standard for a country's "success" ignores many of the positives (and negatives) that determine a population's welfare and well-being. But new possibilities are already out there. Lorenzo Fioramonti shares exciting ideas for new measurements of progress, and what ... posted on Aug 22 2015, 13,449 reads


Three Tricks to Help Find Your Flow
As more and more things continue to drain and distract our attention, it is imperative that we uncover ways to gain back our focus. In this inspiring article, Dr. Christine Carter, author of "The Sweet Spot," details three tricks to help create an environment that is relaxed, comfortable and productive, versus a mental state that is filled with anxiety and stress.... posted on Aug 21 2015, 30,519 reads


17 Ways You Can Work for Social Justice
"If you're feeling inspired by the Supreme Court's historic same-sex marriage decision, then do your part to help build and sustain forward momentum toward justice for all. Inequality takes many forms, and people are still waiting on their ability to live freely, safely, or, just to live." In this article, learn about some ways you can be involved in creating a more just and peaceful world -- afte... posted on Aug 20 2015, 13,987 reads


Surprising Lessons from Nature's Engineers
Biomimicry is the design and production of materials, structures, and systems that are modeled on biological entities and processes. In this eye-opening Ted Talk, Janine Benyus offers up some incredible insight into the fast-growing world of biomimicry and all the promise it holds for humankind. As Benyus states in her talk, "Learning "about" the natural world is one thing; learning "from" the nat... posted on Aug 19 2015, 9,907 reads


5 Reasons to Be Mindful
In a hyper connected world, bombarded by multiple forms of stimulation, how do we remain aware of the quiet gifts that the present moment has to offer? Cultivating a mindfulness practice can be a powerful way to train our minds and tune into the beauty of here and now. The benefits are manifold. Drawing on the latest research as well as age-old wisdom traditions, this inspiring article offers up f... posted on Aug 18 2015, 26,830 reads


The Fuel of Making Good Decisions
Don't think planning healthy meals and snacks during your day are important? Read this eye-opening article that illustrates the connection between good decision-making and healthy eating. ... posted on Aug 17 2015, 31,826 reads


The Secret Life of the Senses
Our senses provide us with our etchings of reality, various fabrics we draw together to create a semblance of what is real. And yet, how different is the world to a bird, or to a bee, who perceives the world in ultraviolet? Diane Ackerman charts the history of our senses, and explores the mystery of these peculiar messengers, who together weave what is from what could be. ... posted on Aug 16 2015, 6,013 reads


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Quote Bulletin

Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.
Thich Nhat Hanh

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