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Can Compassion Change the World?
Can compassion change the world? In celebration of his 80th birthday, the Dalai Lama reached out to author, Daniel Goleman for assistance in capturing his compassionate vision. The result of their collaboration, "A Force for Good: The Dalai Lama's Vision for Our World", a book that is both a translation of the Dalai Lama's ideals and a call to action.... posted on Sep 04 2015, 16,269 reads


The Importance of Swapping Screen Time For Sunshine
In How to Raise a Wild Child, Dr. Scott D. Sampson asserts that topophilia, a love of place, is the key to restoring sustainability on our planet. As chief curator at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science and host of the PBS KIDS television series Dinosaur Train, he argues that the current disconnect between kids and the natural world is a threat to their physical, mental, and emotional health. ... posted on Sep 03 2015, 17,555 reads


Sixth Graders on Mindfulness
"It really calms me down 'cause I get really stressed about homework a lot and when I breathe and just take a moment it really helps me focus more and I can get a lot more done" says one student. "If you get angry, you can just breathe in and out a couple of times..." says another. Listen to the children of Meena Srinivasan's 6th grade class at Park Day School in Oakland, California, talk about w... posted on Sep 02 2015, 4,659 reads


The WE-economy: Value Creation in the Age of Networks
"Underlying the collaborative economy are a handful of very strong and general trends that are challenging the conventional business models in just about every sector of the economy --not just in the types of transactions that we usually think of as the sharing economy. Focus is shifting from selling stand-alone, physical products to creating services that enable users to make the most of the reso... posted on Sep 01 2015, 12,837 reads


Gabriela Mistral on Service
Gabriela Mistral calls on us to serve as nature serves, suggesting each of us could be the one to remove the rock from the field or hate from the human heart. Read her lovely poem about service here...... posted on Aug 31 2015, 15,196 reads


Learning to Not Know
For centuries, our ancestors have gathered around the proverbial fire, so to speak--holding space for unity and peace. In many ways, these 'circles' have helped to foster dialogue, to grow community, and engage in a shared path of understanding. In this lovely interview, Kay Pranis, a national leader in restorative justice, discusses the wisdom within our collective knowledge, and the blessing our... posted on Aug 30 2015, 16,435 reads


Co-Working Spaces in Trees
Coworking is all the rage these days - with innovative spaces cropping up all around, designed to help invoke our inner creative spirit. There are spaces which double as coffee shops and climbing gyms. And, now? There is a shared space within the trees. Dubbed TreeXOffice, the project brings together six to eight people at a time to work under the canopy of a tree. It is designed with the intentio... posted on Aug 29 2015, 10,879 reads


How Awe Makes Us Generous
"What do the Grand Canyon, Sistine Chapel, and gazing at distant stars all have in common? They can awaken a deep appreciation for the world around us and inspire a profound sense of awe. This sensation is often accompanied by an awareness of something larger than ourselves -- that we play a small part in an intricate cosmic dance that is life." In this article, author Adam Hoffman describes rece... posted on Aug 28 2015, 13,264 reads


My Bucket List of Gratitude
We typically think of a 'bucket list' as that special list of things we wish to do, see, or accomplish before we say our final farewells. But, what if there was another way to view it? That is, to create a list comprised of life's most special moments already lived? In this lovely story, a young woman recounts how much the kindness of neighbors helped to restore her faith -- inspiring a whole new ... posted on Aug 27 2015, 23,413 reads


How Groups Shape Individual Judgement
Peer pressure, herd mentality, groupthink -- all various phrases that hint at a central truth: the mind of the group often sways the mind of the individual. But how and why does this happen? The scientists at the Greater Good Science Center of UC Berkeley endeavor to find out.... posted on Aug 26 2015, 12,885 reads


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The only thing you have any control over is the present moment.
Tobe Hanson

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