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Say It Like It Is
There is no holding back in this powerful film featuring spoken-word artist Prince Ea. His lyrics are on point, wrapping all of society's faults and failings into a tight little ball before firing it straight at us. He lays out the problems but also the solution - "real love, true love, boundless love." ... posted on Sep 15 2015, 4,168 reads


Moringa Project: An Improbable Project
Enjoy this unlikely story of how the seeds of persistence, trust, and faith brought together the most unlikely of friendships between a rural Ghanaian man and an American woodworker. But perhaps more importantly, it was the partnership that was established that has empowered many underprivileged people in some impoverished villages around Ghana, West Africa.... posted on Sep 13 2015, 12,808 reads


How Awe Makes Us Generous
"What do the Grand Canyon, Sistine Chapel, and gazing at distant stars all have in common? They can awaken a deep appreciation for the world around us and inspire a profound sense of awe....But is that experience strictly personal? New research from UC Berkeley and UC Irvine suggests that experiencing awe can actually prompt us to act more benevolently toward others. In other words, awe can help m... posted on Sep 12 2015, 9,975 reads


Photos of Indigenous Americans Without Stereotypes
Three years ago photographer Matika Wilbur, a member of the Tulalip and Swinomish tribes, set out on a vast road trip across America to photograph members of all 562 of America's federally-recognized tribes. (That number is now 566.) Her collection so far includes images from more than 200 tribes she has visited in the course of traveling 80,000 miles around the western United States. ... posted on Sep 11 2015, 14,909 reads


The Inner Landscape of Beauty
Listen to what Irish poet and philosopher John O'Donohue had to say in one of his last interviews about what he called "the invisible world." As he sees it, "the visible world is the first shoreline of the invisible world...And connecting to the elemental can be a way of coming into rhythm with the universe."... posted on Sep 10 2015, 8,083 reads


Can People Change?
"One day, after a talk I had given on altruism, a person in the audience got up and said in an irritated tone: "What are you hoping for by encouraging us to cultivate altruism? Look at the history of humanity! It's always the same thing! An uninterrupted succession of wars and suffering. That's human nature, you can't change anything about that!" But is this truly the case?...Can the individual ch... posted on Sep 09 2015, 15,965 reads


One Poem that Saved a Forest
We all like to know where our offerings are taking us, the "goals" of the actions we take. But what if we could trust in the offering itself? One poem from Jacqueline Suskin proves that, given the chance, every gift has the power to change the world around us.... posted on Sep 08 2015, 16,122 reads


Seeds: A Story of Uncommon Change
Discover the story of Aruna, who's journey speaks of the transformative power of love and service. Aruna grew up in a poor leprosy community in India and, like so many other kids growing up in the harsh reality of a slum, did not believe in her dreams or that much good would come from her life, other than a prescribed arranged marriage. That was, until, she met Jayesh Patel, co-founder of Manav Sa... posted on Sep 07 2015, 3,026 reads


How Good Habits Can Make You Happier
One of life's enduring missions is the quest to create good habits. The big ones always come to the forefront: eating healthier, exercising more, becoming more productive. And as many of us know, the stumbling blocks are ever-present. But as Gretchen Rubin sees it, one of the keys to effectively generating good habits is simply knowing yourself, stating, "Shape the habit to suit yourself, and then... posted on Sep 06 2015, 20,154 reads


The Love Kitchen
Helen Ashe and Ellen Turner are 82-year old twin sisters with huge hearts. They cook breakfast for dozens of needy Knoxville folks who come to the Love Kitchen twice a week for a free meal, and for delivery to the hundreds of people in need who have no way to get to Love Kitchen, and for the hundreds more who come by and pick up much-needed emergency food bags. The sisters cook for the hungry, the... posted on Sep 05 2015, 12,414 reads


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What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches.
Karl Menninger

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