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Stretching Identity: A Conversation with Gabriel Meyer
"The first time I met a Palestinian Sufi Sheikh, I went to his house. The person who introduced me, my friend, he said, Listen, this is the third Israeli he meets, so be careful. You know, go slowly. So I sat; we were all very formal, Salaam. We sat down, it was very serious, and all of a sudden, I just took out my drum and starting singing, Allahu, Allahu, Allahu. His son came out from the kitche... posted on Sep 25 2015, 3,532 reads


All the World's a Stage
As the old saying goes, “laughter is the best medicine.” And for Grant Snider, who practices orthodontics by day, and webcomics by night, here’s proof that he believes in that very notion. Take a moment to enjoy these fanciful, thought-provoking and sometimes whimsical comics about daily life from the mind of Mr. Snider.... posted on Sep 24 2015, 6,905 reads


Food Runners
There are over 800 million undernourished people in the world today. Hunger and malnutrition are in fact the number one risk to health worldwide. Yet there is enough food in the world to feed everyone. In San Francisco, California, 1 out of 4 people go hungry at some point during the month. There are also more than 4,000 restaurants in the city that throw away excess food. Mary Risley, founder of ... posted on Sep 23 2015, 3,251 reads


Leave No Child Inside
In the face-off between children's need for nature and the planet's growing need for more housing, one child, Richard Louv, fought urbanization of his cherished woods, then grew up to write a book about it -- "Last Child in the Woods." A developer who read it was "profoundly disturbed," joined a children-and-nature movement that grows in every arena, from conservation and health to urban design an... posted on Sep 22 2015, 6,844 reads


All We Have Is Now
Growing up and growing old sounds like a logical notion but it also appears to be a surreal process that we don't realise is happening until it has happened. This trailer for "Present Perfect," gives you a glimpse into a yet-to-be released film which explores the very real experience of aging in America. Providence Mount St. Vincent in Seattle, Washington, is home to more than 400 elderly resident... posted on Sep 21 2015, 5,164 reads


Icelanders Open Their Homes to Refugees
After the Iceland government announced that it would accept just 50 Syrian refugees, Icelandic author Bryndis Bjorgvinsdottir launched a Facebook campaign spurring 12,000 people -- 4% of the Icelandic population -- to pledge to welcome Syrian refugees into their homes. Bryndis shares, "Refugees are our future spouses, best friends, our next soul mate, the drummer in our children's band, our next c... posted on Sep 20 2015, 11,495 reads


Why Gifts Must Keep Moving
Physics tells us that energy can neither by created nor destroyed. Our hearts tell us the same is true of the love and intentionality that propels a gift from one human being to another. Here, Wayne Muller shares the story of Robert Montoya, and the many gifts that grew into a school in Mexico.... posted on Sep 19 2015, 10,961 reads


How To Be More Patient
You may have probably heard of the marshmallow experiment, where children were told they would get two marshmallows if they could resist eating the one placed in front of them for some time. The study highlighted how hard it can be to delay gratification, but how rewarding as well: children who resisted eating the marshmallow not only got two marshmallows but also did better later on in life. This... posted on Sep 18 2015, 13,380 reads


How One Artist Is Transforming Fear
"Julie Elman, like many artists, struggles with fear of the blank page. The creative process demands risk-taking, resilience, and messiness. An associate professor of visual communication at Ohio University, Elman understood the expectation to practice what she preached. To move beyond her fear and to explore what she was teaching her students, she conceived the Fear Project. People submit their f... posted on Sep 17 2015, 9,885 reads


Learning Forgiveness in an Unforgiving World
In her enlightening and engaging new book, "Triumph of the Heart," journalist Megan Feldman Bettencourt strives to explain what forgiveness really means, some of its myths and misconceptions, as well as the healthy benefits it possesses. From incredible stories of people who have chosen forgiveness after their lives have been shattered, to others who are struggling to actually forgive themselves, ... posted on Sep 16 2015, 14,376 reads


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To be an artist is to believe in life.
Henry Moore

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