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Leisure: The Basis of Culture
"Today, in our culture of productivity-fetishism, we have succumbed to the tyrannical notion of 'work/life balance' and have come to see the very notion of 'leisure' not as essential to the human spirit but as self-indulgent luxury reserved for the privileged or deplorable idleness reserved for the lazy." Maria Popova draws from the wisdom of classic and contemporary philosophers, scientists, and ... posted on Oct 15 2015, 11,261 reads


The Nursing Home That Is Also a Dorm
What happens when a nursing home gets merged with a college dormitory? That's what they are finding out in an inter-generational model that is playing out in a long-term living facility in the Netherlands. The bold initiative is backed by research that shows that regular social interaction has been found to not only improve overall health in older adults, but it also represents a wonderful way for... posted on Oct 14 2015, 9,558 reads


How I Survived the Loss of My Hands and Feet
Meet Corinne Hutton. Two years ago, she lost her hands and feet after catching a virus that turned her limbs septic. She knew she had a choice then and chose to live with zest and passion. Today, she is a busy mom who has climbed mountains, flown planes, started a charity, and enjoys getting dolled up for nights out with her friends. Read on to learn more about this woman who transforms adversity ... posted on Oct 13 2015, 6,699 reads


Where Good Ideas Come From
Where do ideas come from? Do they come to us in a "eureka moment" like Isaac Newton's proverbial apple falling on his head? Steven Johnson's research shows that it takes a long time (the slow hunch), and a space of sharing (the liquid network) for us to come up with our best ideas. In this TED talk, Johnson focuses on spaces of creativity and shared patterns of innovation that encourage us to conn... posted on Oct 12 2015, 3,455 reads


Ten Words Technology Borrowed from Nature
What do words like ecosystem, tree, spider, virus, swarm and others have in common with technology? Sue Thomas points out how they have been hijacked from nature and applied to the digital world.... posted on Oct 11 2015, 5,917 reads


Leadership Lessons From Specially Abled Children
"I was of course at that time focusing on autism specifically. I kind of had a personal understanding of the situation. That led to a very interesting conversation with a very dear friend from Denmark, Thorkil Sonne, who also had a son with autism and who started a software company where all his employees were people on the spectrum. I met him, I tried to understand the model that he is working on... posted on Oct 10 2015, 9,022 reads


Fixed vs Growth: Two Mindsets that Shape Our Lives
Years of research by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck highlights the power of our beliefs, both conscious and unconscious, in shaping almost every aspect of our lives. "One of the most basic beliefs we carry about ourselves...has to do with how we view and inhabit what we consider to be our personality. A 'fixed mindset' assumes that our character, intelligence, and creative abilility are static ... posted on Oct 09 2015, 26,357 reads


The Beauty We Can't See
We think we know beauty through sight, but these four visually impaired people envision beauty in a different form. Robert, Sheila, Sean, and Virginia describe how they visualize beauty through aspects such as a person's character, or through experience, such as the smell of warm, baked cookies or grass beneath ones feet. Beauty becomes an experience of living and finding joy -- the most beautiful... posted on Oct 08 2015, 4,093 reads


The Noble Art of the Manly Cry
One of our most firmly entrenched ideas of masculinity is that men don't cry. But historical and literary evidence suggests that, in the past, male weeping was regarded as normal in almost every part of the world for most of recorded history. Consider Homer's Iliad, in which the entire Greek army bursts into unanimous tears no less than three times...... posted on Oct 07 2015, 9,211 reads


A Century in the World
Grace Lee Boggs, Chinese-American philosopher and civil rights legend, talks here on her 100th birthday about her extraordinary life of helping others and how her studies in philosophy led to “a whole new way of thinking about change and how it the positive has to be achieved through the labor-patient suffering of the negative.” ... posted on Oct 06 2015, 5,488 reads


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What one loves in childhood stays in their heart forever.
Mary Jo Putney

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