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Eight Steps Towards Forgiveness
No matter who you are, you have undoubtedly experienced hurt in your life. And oftentimes, that hurt is compounded by the fact that you do not have the tools necessary to offer forgiveness, and thus begin the healing process that is critical to moving on with your life. In this succinct essay, Robert Enright offers a path to help move us towards forgiveness.... posted on Dec 06 2015, 0 reads


The Joys of Giving Large
Jeff Kaufman and Julia Wise are a young couple living in Boston. Jeff is a software engineer at Google and Julia is a social worker. For the past few years they've been giving away nearly 60 percent of their after-tax income to charities working to reduce poverty and save lives in developing countries. ...That's a lot of money, and it sounds like a big sacrifice. But they insist that it isn't...... posted on Dec 05 2015, 11,140 reads


Invisible Wings: A Tea Seller Who Travelled the World
65-year old tea seller Vijayan and his wife Mohana (who had never traveled outside of her home town of Ernakulam, Kerala before her marriage) have been to 16 countries and across most of India. Every three years or so, after paying off loans and saving a little money (at the rate of a few dollars a day) the couple shuts down their tea stall (their only source of income) and sets off for another de... posted on Dec 04 2015, 4,339 reads


I Have Time
Hurrying speeds us away from the present moment, expressing a wish to be in the future because we think we're going to be late. To counter it, Master Alexander teacher Walter Carrington told his students to repeat each time they begin an action: "I have time."... posted on Dec 03 2015, 21,982 reads


Permaculture's Expansive View of Wealth
There are many ways to think of wealth. Approaches that lead to 'financialization' focus on 1 particular category of wealth. Read more about one regenerative approach in this interview with permaculturalist Ethan Roland.... posted on Dec 02 2015, 6,044 reads


Does It Pay To Be Kind To Strangers?
Generous people are happier and healthier, yet acts of kindness are often met with suspicion and scorn. Why? David Robson talks to a psychologist who set out to find the answer.... posted on Dec 01 2015, 7,941 reads


Bus 7 and the Grandma in the Window
She was known to the children in Bus 7 simply as 'Grandma in the window'. Their connection was forged by the daily waves they exchanged as their bus crossed her home. A connection so deep that when the 93-yr-old missed her waving 'vigil' the children demanded the bus driver stop. It turned out that their dear friend had suffered a debilitating stroke. While she convalesced at a local care facilit... posted on Nov 30 2015, 16,490 reads


My Daughter Malala
Pakistani educator Ziauddin Yousafzai reminds the world of a simple truth that many don't want to hear: Women and men deserve equal opportunities for education, autonomy, an independent identity. In this TED talk, Yousafzai tells stories from his own life and the life of his daughter, Malala, who was shot in the head at point blank range by the Taliban in 2012 simply for daring to go to school. Yo... posted on Nov 29 2015, 3,768 reads


The Problem of Precrastination
We all know that habitually putting tasks off for a later time can be problematic. But what about getting tasks done more quickly than is necessary? Recent research out of Pennsylvania State University documents a phenomenon called "precastination," a tendency to hastily complete tasks in order to get them over with. This article recounts several studies that illuminate the problems with precastin... posted on Nov 28 2015, 8,154 reads


Conversational Leadership: Thinking Together for a Change
If our conversations and personal relations are at the heart of our work, then how do we contribute to or take energy away from this natural process? Are we using the intelligence of just a few people instead of hundreds or thousands? What if increasing the success of efforts to cut costs and make organizations more efficient, innovative, and competitive depended on focusing on the core process o... posted on Nov 27 2015, 5,174 reads


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When you lose your sense of humor, it's just not funny anymore.
Wavy Gravy

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