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On Seeing
In this simple and poignant reflection, photographer Paul Van Slambrouck shares a moment of quiet revelation that illuminated for him the beauty of truly seeing the majestic world we live in.... posted on Dec 16 2015, 10,861 reads


The Complex Relationship Between Nature and Culture
With a trip inside Angkor Wat, a temple inside one of the world’s most mysterious and important archeological sites, Norwegian photographer Christian Houge asks a question that has long perplexed man … “Is nature with us or against us?" Through a series of brilliant photographs, Houge gives us a glimpse of the complex relationship between man and nature.... posted on Dec 15 2015, 6,284 reads


Welcome to the Empathy Wars
Critics of empathy call it biased, saying we should unemotionally help the greatest number. But Roman Krznaric suggests two kinds of empathy: 'affective' -- feeling or mirroring others' emotions, and 'perspective-taking' empathy -- imagining oneself in someone else's shoes. He gives examples of how they can work together, from sympathetic focus on a child caught in a mineshaft (affective) to the ... posted on Dec 14 2015, 12,479 reads


Being There for Single Parents with Cancer
Nearly 12 million parents in the United States currently are raising kids on their own. When single parents face a devastating illness such as cancer, everyday needs like cleaning and cooking can become a struggle. Jody Farley-Berens saw the need firsthand, when her childhood friend faced that situation. "Making ends meet is insurmountable," said Farley-Berens. "There are so many doctors' appointm... posted on Dec 13 2015, 3,501 reads


Three Ways To Bring More Kindness To Your Life
"One of the best ways to increase our own happiness is to do things that make other people happy. In countless studies, kindness and generosity have been linked to greater life satisfaction, stronger relationships, and better mental and physical health-- generous people even live longer." Researchers have argued that kindness is like a muscle that needs to be strengthened through repeated use. H... posted on Dec 12 2015, 21,549 reads


Flowered Dresses & Flour Mills: A Story of History & Kindness
"In times gone by, amidst widespread poverty, the flour mills realized that some women were using sacks to make clothes for their children. In response, the flour mills started using flowered fabric." This beautiful story shares details of a little-known act of kindness past.... posted on Dec 11 2015, 39,146 reads


Changing Ourselves by Changing the Brain
Recent scientific breakthroughs show that the brain can be trained to react to life more openly, which could improve both our minds and our relationships. This article discusses neural retraining approaches, from Dr. Daniel Siegel's interpersonal neurobiology to several forms of neurotherapy to the Alexander Technique and the Feldenkrais Method. ... posted on Dec 10 2015, 25,787 reads


The Man Who Quit Money
Money plays such an integral role in our lives that the idea of living without currency is almost alien. However, Daniel Suelo will beg to differ. Determined to reject the system of capitalism and even bartering, Suelo has removed the concept of currency from his life for fifteen years now. In this short documentary, Suelo examines the aspects of a life without money, sharing his thoughts on livin... posted on Dec 09 2015, 6,902 reads


The Surgeon General on Health Via Happiness
"Happiness is not an emotion, an inherited disposition that is awarded to a select few, or even dependent on events that happen to you in life." Rather, the U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy argues that "happiness is a perspective, and that everyone can create it for themselves with four simple, free approaches: gratitude exercises, meditation, physical activity and social connectedness." In this... posted on Dec 08 2015, 24,800 reads


Debt As A Relationship Based On Love
For all that debt contains and constrains us, debts worth having are all around when we care to look for them. The debts that are worth having are those that allow us to be more fully ourselves, that we honor with our freedom rather than our servitude. This article presents a revolutionary way of looking at debt and provides a vision for a more compassionate and relationship-based debt system.... posted on Dec 07 2015, 9,053 reads


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There is no energy crisis, only a crisis of ignorance.
Buckminister Fuller

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