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Sparking Curiosity by Embracing Uncertainty
Teachers often present subjects to children as settled and complete, as if no further questioning is needed because all the answers have been found. Students may think they've learned all the facts and lose their sense of curiosity. In "Nonsense: The Power of Not Knowing," Jamie Holmes invites them to spark their curiosity to better prepare them for the "real world," where answers are seldom clea... posted on Dec 27 2015, 6,092 reads


How to Move Beyond Pain
We will all feel pain in one form or another many times throughout our lifetimes, whether it be the heartbreak of lost love, or perhaps some sort of perceived humiliation at the workplace. And while the pain may be real and lasting, there are fundamental actions we can each take to help bring about healing. The following article offers three crucial steps that can help facilitate someone to "move ... posted on Dec 26 2015, 17,976 reads


What Generous People's Brains Do Differently
Some people make giving look effortless. They're the kind of people who bring donuts on Friday mornings and don't think twice before helping overwhelmed colleagues. Others face more of a struggle when it comes to putting the group first. So how do the givers do it? New research from the emerging field of neuroeconomics suggests that being generous is not as tough as some people think. ... posted on Dec 25 2015, 11,940 reads


5 Ways to Show Kindness this Holiday Season
"With the holiday season upon us, it's easy to feel pressure that you aren't spending enough, doing enough or otherwise keeping up with everyone else around you. If that's the case, log out of Pinterest, take some deep breaths and remind yourself that true holiday spirit can't be bought -- no matter how good the bargains get." This lovely piece offers up 5 immediate ways to be kind in this season ... posted on Dec 24 2015, 13,967 reads


What Women Can Teach Us About Compassion
It is said "[t]he road itself has power ... that suffering itself can have an inner door ... that there is a resilience even in the midst of it." In this conversation with Gitanjali Babbar, we get glimpses of the power of resilience -- both Babbar's, as well as the thousands of women and children whose lives she touches, and that touch hers. Babbar started a nonprofit named "Kat Katha" or "Puppe... posted on Dec 23 2015, 9,271 reads


A Yuletide Gift of Kindness
"The year was 1933 and Christmas was just a week away. Deep in the trough of the Great Depression, the people of Canton, Ohio, were down on their luck and hungry. Nearly half the town was out of work. Along the railroad tracks, children in patched coats scavenged for coal spilled from passing trains. The prison and orphanage swelled with the casualties of hard times. It was then that a mysterious ... posted on Dec 22 2015, 15,585 reads


The Dogs that Protect Little Penguins
When foxes discovered little penguins on a small Australian island, they nearly wiped the colony out. But a farmer came up with a novel way to protect the birds -- and the story has been made into a hit film.... posted on Dec 20 2015, 24,672 reads


Attention is the Secret to Virtue
How many times do you find yourself doing the same thing over and over, barely changing your behavior despite realizing that an alternative way of doing something would be more beneficial to your life? Don't worry, you are not alone. And fortunately for everyone, recent studies have shown that if you just "focus" more "attention" to what you are doing, that change is well within your reach. ... posted on Dec 19 2015, 11,291 reads


The Story of the Chinese Farmer
In "The Story of the Chinese Farmer," philosopher Alan Watts looks at the idea of what we consider good or bad fortune with the parable of a Chinese farmer, who refuses to see anything as positive or negative. This beautifully animated video will make you question whether one can truly know if something is good or bad when you can never know the consequences.... posted on Dec 18 2015, 7,601 reads


A New Home For Brothers Reunited Against the Odds
This is the time of year families reunite to celebrate the holidays. Many people travel a long way to be with their loved ones. For some, the distance is so great it's measured not in miles -- but in years. CBS News correspondent Steve Hartman reports on a reunion a decade in the making. The moving story of three children thrust unexpectedly into foster care, the brother who dreamt of bringing the... posted on Dec 17 2015, 4,598 reads


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When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.
John Muir

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