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Stop. Look. Go: Practices for Grateful Living
"All of us want to be experiencing, by becoming aware that every moment is a given moment -- it is a gift! You haven't earned it. You haven't brought it about in any way. You have no way of assuring that there will be another moment given to you. Grateful living -- that's the most valuable thing that can ever be given to us." In this beautiful video, filmmakers from Gnarly Bay have used... posted on Jan 26 2016, 5,633 reads


5 Important Things We Learned About Mindfulness in 2015
The more we learn about mindfulness -- cultivating a focused awareness on the present moment -- the more health and well-being benefits we discover. In 2015 researchers delved deeper into the science of meditation and uncovered even more surprising evidence of the powerful effects of mindfulness on mind and body. ... posted on Jan 25 2016, 23,168 reads


A Comic Book For Refugee Children
"International Medical Corps developed a series of comic books for children displaced by the conflict in Syria and Iraq in order to teach them important messages about disease prevention, safety in camps and about how to promote their well-being. The first two comic books in the series tell stories about children facing the same problems young refugees encounter in their daily lives, introducing s... posted on Jan 24 2016, 9,002 reads


The Evolution of Medicine
Dr. Mark Hyman, pioneer in the new discipline of functional medicine, believes one of the biggest scientific discoveries of the last 30 years is that food isn't just energy, but also provides instructions in a literally minute-to-minute, bite-by-bite basis to everything that's going on in your body. He joins James Gordon, who uses mind-body medicine to heal depression, anxiety, and psychological t... posted on Jan 23 2016, 9,118 reads


Lead Without Trying So Hard
Lead without trying so hard -- it sounds like counter-intuitive, maybe even crazy advice. But it turns out that the well-intended attempt in leadership can often be derailed by the effort itself. As Johnson provocatively puts it in her Harvard Business Review article, "When we stop trying, we will have more charisma than we had imagined." Read on for a deeper dive into this paradoxical perspective... posted on Jan 22 2016, 10,107 reads


The 80-Year-Old Who Runs the World's Coolest Train...for Dogs
"Eugene Bostick, an 80-year-old retiree in Fort Worth, Texas,spends his days operating what just might be the coolest train in the world. His homemade dog train takes rescued strays out for fun rides around the neighborhood and in the surrounding woods. Eugene and his brother Corky live on a dead-end street where many locals bring their unwanted dogs to leave them behind. Eugene began adopting the... posted on Jan 21 2016, 29,697 reads


Why Your Brain Hates Slowpokes
Slow things drive us crazy because the fast pace of society has warped our sense of timing, creating expectations that can't be rewarded fast enough-- or at all. How can we stave off the slowness rage and revive patience? Meditation and mindfulness may help, but Northeastern University psychologist David DeSteno suggests that practicing gratitude is the best shortcut of all.... posted on Jan 20 2016, 11,036 reads


When "Zen Pencils" cartoonist Gavin Than asked fans to vote for their favorite poem to be turned into a comic strip, they chose "Desiderata", the widely popular poem written by Max Ehrmann in 1927, whose title in Latin translates to "things to be desired". The poem has been described as a survival guide for life. Than's illustrations bring these celebrated words alive in a unique way.... posted on Jan 19 2016, 61,284 reads


Shelagh Was Here: An Ordinary, Magical Life
"Shelagh Gordon was another name in the obituaries, an ordinary woman who had died suddenly." Or was she? Here's what her passing revealed about Gordon: "Her relationships were as rich as the chocolate pudding pie she'd whip together...She was both alone and crowded by love...She was the interpreter, she made sure everybody understood each other's feelings...You could put your heart on the table ... posted on Jan 18 2016, 110,866 reads


The Momentia Movement: Defying Dementia Through Friendship
"Alice Padillas laugh cut through the air at Seattles Woodland Park Zoo. Fresh off an hour-long exhibit tour, she and 16 other friends sat in the zoo cafeteria, snacking on sugar cookies and mocking current bestsellers. The group could appear to be just another cluster of friends visiting the zoo. But they were there for another purpose, too: to provide joy as much as support. Part of a program ca... posted on Jan 17 2016, 11,460 reads


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Quote Bulletin

Love doesn't make the world go 'round; love is what makes the ride worthwhile.
Shanon L. Alder

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