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Planting Seeds:
This latest music video by the singer/songwriter team of Nimo Patel and Daniel Nahmod and filmmaker Ellie Walton captures the joy, introspection and inspiration in the song, "Planting Seeds." The song was inspired by Daniel Nahmod's original 2006 Water album, which captures the spirit of doing our part (planting the seeds), but then letting go and not holding on to what may come.... posted on Apr 05 2016, 4,391 reads


Reframing Our Relationship to That We Don't Control
A palliative care physician, Dr. B.J. Miller brings design sensibility to the art of living until we die. He learned to see life as a "creative enterprise" and largely redesigned his own physical presence after an accident in which lightning struck him with 11,000 volts, leaving him without both of his legs and part of one arm. Tune in to his wisdom on how we can reframe our relationship to our im... posted on Apr 04 2016, 26,162 reads


A Prosecutor's Vision For A Better Justice System
"[H]ow many of you, by the age of 25, had either acted up in school, went somewhere you were specifically told to stay out of, or drank alcohol before your legal age? How many of you shoplifted, tried an illegal drug or got into a physical fight -- yes, even with a sibling? Now, how many of you ever spent one day in jail for any of those decisions? How many of you sitting here today think that you... posted on Apr 03 2016, 15,588 reads


Remember to Remember
"When I was in the fourth grade, in the summertime when it would rain, we would always go out on a friend's porch and sit there all in a row, enjoying ourselves just looking out at the world, hearing the rain come down. And once, when I was meditating, I thought, Why not just be inside myself like that, just looking out? And by God, it was just like sitting on the porch, looking out at the rain! T... posted on Apr 02 2016, 10,439 reads


To the Child Who Gets My Little Brother's Heart
On March 2, 2016, Jason Longhurst's 11-year-old brother Eric was hit by a truck while crossing the street. The trauma knocked him unconscious, the damage to his brain quickly stopped his breathing, and it was soon clear that Eric wouldn't survive. Eric's family decided to do that which Eric would have wanted -- donate a part of himself to help others. And what part of him would be Eric's greatest... posted on Apr 01 2016, 10,362 reads


Six Cities Designed for Health
What would it look like if cities were designed for health and happiness of its residents? The YES! magazine profiled 6 such cities which are taking steps -- from creating new distributed green spaces that will improve water quality, to developing opportunities for greater community interaction, to forging partnerships to support holistic medical options -- to helping residents live more healthful... posted on Mar 31 2016, 14,908 reads


Path to Freedom: A Former Prison Monk's Amazing Work
Redemption and transformation can occur in even the harshest of surroundings. During his 14-year incarceration Fleet Maull found meditation. With meditation he found a freedom that transcended prison walls. After his release he returns to prison to teach meditation, healthy survival skills and share his story of meaningful change. 1 out of every 100 Americans is currently behind bars. And 700,000 ... posted on Mar 30 2016, 3,721 reads


Be The Punchline
In comedy, first there is the setup, then the punchline. In his life, comedian Michael Jr. understands that doing TV shows and making people laugh is just the setup. His punchline is to make laughter commonplace in uncommon places. Watch this film to learn about one of the most powerful moments in Michael Jr.'s comedy career. ... posted on Mar 29 2016, 3,975 reads


Science of Mindlessness and Mindfulness
Ellen Langer, a psychology professor at Harvard, defines mindfulness as the simple act of actively noticing things, which can bring increased health, competence, and happiness. Her provocative, unconventional studies prove that it's possible to become physiologically younger through a changed frame of mind. She has suggested for decades what neuroscience is pointing to now: that our experience of ... posted on Mar 28 2016, 26,281 reads


Serving Up Dignity: A Soup Kitchen Set Up Like a Restaurant
The Kansas City Community Kitchen has been serving the community as a soup kitchen for 30 years. But this February, it re-opened its doors with a new restaurant-style initiative that allows the homeless to "dine with dignity." The new process includes greeters, waiters, and menus that lets diners choose what they want to eat.... posted on Mar 27 2016, 10,471 reads


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A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.
Father James Keller

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