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The Library of Things: Sharing More Than Books
Ever been in a situation where you want to take on a Do-it-Yourself project, only to be demoralized by having to go out and buy an item that you know you will likely use just once? Well, enter the local library in Sacramento, Calif., to perhaps -- once and for all -- solve this dilemma. Their project, aptly named the Library of Things, works just like how a library operates with books, enabling pe... posted on May 25 2016, 13,577 reads


The Thank You Project
In 2004, Kellie Haddock and her newborn son were in a horrible accident that took her husband's life. 10 years later, Haddock spent 6 months tracking down the people who saved her son's life and organized an event in their honor. Some of the caregivers had never been thanked before for what they do. "There is so much wrong in the world and it's so easy to point out what people are doing wrong. We ... posted on May 24 2016, 4,348 reads


Finding Meaning in a Digital Age
Almost 200 million bloggers on the internet create a new blog every half second. Homaira Kabir regrets that writing "now comes in bite-sized pieces for a public looking for ease and entertainment, and hungry for information." But in her grandfather's journal she read about "a time where people had the heart to pause their own lives in order to embrace each other's struggles... After all life happ... posted on May 23 2016, 15,047 reads


How One Woman's App is Feeding Thousands
Komal Ahmad was a student at UC Berkeley when she experienced a life-changing moment. She had just returned from summer training for the U.S. Navy when she met a homeless veteran on the sidewalk. He hadn't eaten in three days. Yet, across the street, thousands of pounds of uneaten food was being thrown away by her school. This was unacceptable to Ahmad, so she did something about it. "Those who ha... posted on May 22 2016, 20,498 reads


Smart By Nature: Schooling for Sustainability
"There is a bold new movement underway in school systems across North America and around the world. Educators, parents, and students are remaking K-12 education to prepare students for the environmental challenges of the coming decades. They are discovering that guidance for living abundantly on a finite planet lies, literally, under their feet and all around them -- in living soil, food webs and ... posted on May 21 2016, 15,606 reads


The Art of Medicine: W.H Auden & Oliver Sachs
"The poetry of W.H. Auden was among Oliver Sacks's formative books. When the two men eventually became friends in the final years of Auden's life, Dr. Sacks was still a thirty-something neurologist with little more than a weightlifting record under his belt, a long way from becoming the Dante of medicine. Auden became an invaluable mentor as the young writer was honing the singular voice that woul... posted on May 20 2016, 9,062 reads


A Life-Saving Coat for the Homeless
"Six years ago, Veronika Scott accepted a challenge from her college professor: Design something to "fill a need" in Detroit. Scott, an art student, found her inspiration on the streets."In Detroit, there's this large homeless population, and they kind of just disappear into the landscape," Scott said. "I wanted to design for this whole population of people that we just don't see." In 2010, Scott ... posted on May 19 2016, 7,075 reads


What Would A Slow School Movement Look Like?
"Pausing to ponder the nature and consequences of a burger bar in the center of Rome was how a major eating revolution began. Carlo Petrini, a prominent Italian journalist, was walking past a newly opened McDonald's franchise when he stopped and said: If this is fast food, why not have Slow Food? In much the same way, I was thinking about the standards-based school curriculum, with its emphasis on... posted on May 18 2016, 13,832 reads


How to Avoid Abusing Power
"When we receive power, it feels like a vital force. It surges through the body, propelling the individual forward in pursuit of goals. When an individual feels powerful, he or she experiences higher levels of excitement, inspiration, joy, and euphoria, all of which enable purposeful, goal-directed action. Feeling powerful, the individual becomes sharply attuned to rewards in the environment and q... posted on May 17 2016, 15,199 reads


Billions in Change: The Man Who Gifts 99% of His Wealth
How do you change the world? Is foreign aid the most effective tool, or should charities funded by millions of small donors lead the way? A new organization called Billions in Change is trying a new strategy: creating inventions to solve the most fundamental problems that people face around the world. Founded and funded by multi-billionaire Manoj Bhargava, the organization has a unique opportunity... posted on May 16 2016, 21,225 reads


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Who is rich? He that is content. Who is that? Nobody.
Benjamin Franklin

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