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Learning Generosity from a Homeless Child
On her annual trip home to visit her parents, author Homaira Kabir decided to invest some of her time and finances into a worthwhile cause. And despite finding many situations in which to share her generosity, it was paradoxically -- the generosity of a homeless child that made her pause and ponder the meaning of life and what makes it truly worth living.... posted on Jun 05 2016, 14,152 reads


Inspiring the Future: Redraw the Balance
Twenty children between the ages of 5 and 7 in the U.K. were asked to draw a fighter pilot, surgeon and fire fighter. This video captures the reality of gender stereotyping among school children, and how early on in their education, children already define jobs as male and female. 66 pictures were drawn, with 61 pictures of men. Watch the surprise and delight of the children when a real-life fight... posted on Jun 04 2016, 3,795 reads


Thinking Like An Ecosystem
Ecology is all about interconnection and unending change, creating patterns of causation that shape every organism and phenomenon, so "thinking like an ecosystem" means living in the perpetual "why." An eco-mind is also able to see that our own species' thriving, through our consciously creating the essential context for that thriving, determines the well-being, even the continuation, of other spe... posted on Jun 03 2016, 12,927 reads


Why We Feel Awe
"News stories and social media posts inundate us every day with tips for greater happiness, health, and general well-being. But who has time to fit them into our already packed schedules? Recently, though, my research has led me to believe that one simple prescription can have transformative effects: look for more daily experiences of awe. This doesn't require a trek to the mountains. What the sci... posted on Jun 02 2016, 17,190 reads


Allow Breathe Curious: A Coloring Book for Mindfulness
"Allow Breathe Curious" is a unique collaboration that emerged from one mother's budding interest in mindfulness and her daughter's deep-seated conviction that art can be an instrument of positive change. A series of sleepless nights prompted Anne to develop a list of words to foster mindfulness. Starting with 'Allow' the list grew over time to include all of the letters of the alphabet. When her ... posted on Jun 01 2016, 17,508 reads


#MakeVirtueViral: A Graduation Speech for Uncertain Times
"Commencement speakers are typically supposed to inspire you to make a splash in the world, be somebody, do something big and important. But this isn't a typical university, and you're not a typical class. So I'm trusting I won't get in trouble for this next piece of advice: Learn the art of doing nothing." Addressing the graduating class of a religious studies university, ServiceSpace founder Nip... posted on May 31 2016, 49,944 reads


The Sandwich Man
Allan Law first came across hunger and homelessness as a middle school teacher in the inner city schools of Minneapolis, Minnesota. In his retirement, Law has spent every day of the last 12 years on the streets of Minneapolis, leaving his small condominium filled with freezers at 8pm and returning around noon the next day. He distributes 6 - 700 sandwiches a day, along with other essentials, sleep... posted on May 30 2016, 2,436 reads


The Lullaby Project: Homeless Mothers Make Music
Since 2011, the Lullaby Project, a Carnegie Hall program (part of its larger Musical Connections initiative) that takes music's transformative power outside gilded concert halls and into neglected communities throughout New York City and across the nation, has paired more than 300 homeless or incarcerated mothers with professional musicians to create a musical experience for their child. Over thre... posted on May 29 2016, 16,604 reads


The Brightness of a Greyhound Journey
"Our new driver was a brisk lady, vigilant but amiable. As we hit the road again, she introduced herself over the speakers and set the rules for the journey. She spoke clearly from experience and I wondered what kinds of situations she'd had to handle in the past. 'If you smoke on my bus, I will let you go immediately. If you do alcohol or drugs on rest stops, that is where you'll stay. It will be... posted on May 27 2016, 14,339 reads


Outsmart Your Next Angry Outburst
"Robert and Howard had always gotten along well. They'd worked on several projects together and considered each other friends. So when Robert discovered that Howard held a strategy meeting and hadn't included him, he felt betrayed. He immediately shot off a text to Howard: I can't believe you didn't include me in that meeting!" Howard, who has his own narrative around Robert's previous actions res... posted on May 26 2016, 28,083 reads


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Good is the transcendence of self in service to others.
Michelle Nunn

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