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Zilong Wang: Medicine Journey
The quiet directness of Zilong Wang, his articulate, measured way of speaking and something so open about him makes an immediate impression. If one is around him very much at all, its impossible not to feel, in some measure, hope for our future. Because he was soon leaving on a solo bicycle pilgrimage across the U.S. and ultimately around the globe, I asked if we could record a conversation before... posted on Oct 05 2016, 3,967 reads


Forgiving My Brother's Killer
This year, as he has done every year since September 15, 2002, Rana Sodhi hosted a memorial for his brother, Balbir Singh Sodhi who was shot while planting flowers in front of his store just four days after the 9/11 attacks. His murder turned a generation of young people, like family friend Valarie Kaur into activists, who began helping communities organize against racism and violence. But after t... posted on Oct 04 2016, 10,947 reads


Parker Palmer on the Heart of a Teacher
What is at the core of an exceptional teacher? Is it innate skills? In-depth knowledge? Infinite wisdom? Parker Palmer's book, "The Courage to Teach," proposes a different philosophy: the foundation for good teaching is built upon the identity and integrity of the teacher. This means that in order to teach well, teachers must have the courage to know themselves, and show themselves, in the classro... posted on Oct 03 2016, 35,528 reads


Artistic Noise: Transforming the Lives of Incarcerated Youth
For fifteen years, Artistic Noise has been giving a voice to young people who might otherwise go unheard: those who are incarcerated, on probation, or otherwise involved in the justice system. By bringing the freedom and power of artistic practice to youths both inside detention facilities and out, Artistic Noise creates safe spaces for them to express themselves and provides continuity for those ... posted on Oct 02 2016, 0 reads


How to Cultivate Ethical Courage
Have you ever been in a situation where, morally, you know how you want to act or respond, but instead react differently due to outside pressures and influences? If yes, you are certainly not alone. This insightful article from the Greater Good Science Center, offers up three useful practices that can help you stay true to your core values.... posted on Oct 01 2016, 17,757 reads


The Man Who Transformed a Wasteland
For years, Jonathan Bergman was bothered by the sight of a neglected piece of property across the street from his office. It was a wasteland -- overgrown, ugly, trash-strewn, unloved. In the middle of it was a huge slab of cement covered in graffiti. He wondered to himself why no one had done anything about it. One day, he approached a man he saw looking at the land; they were both bothered by the... posted on Sep 30 2016, 14,294 reads


A Bible Belt Church's Response to a Mosque
Leaders of a growing Muslim community in Memphis, Tennessee, wanted to build an Islamic center where they could gather not just to worship, but to host weddings and other parties; gather on weekends and holidays; house a day care for children; and have activities for the elderly. When they finally succeeded in purchasing a plot of land opposite a church, Dr. Bashir Shala, head of the board of trus... posted on Sep 29 2016, 6,078 reads


Gifts for Gifted Children
"What gifts can we offer gifted children? How can we who are their guardians do justice by them? The first gift is not to praise them for their talents alone. Just as a beautiful child is often praised only for their beauty, and grows simultaneously vain and insecure, an intelligent child can easily learn that their mind is what makes them lovable...Instead, give these children the gift of praise ... posted on Sep 28 2016, 34,248 reads


From Royalty to Relics: India's Dinosaur Princess
Known as India's very own "Jurassic Park," the Balasinor Fossil Park lies nestled in the tiny Raiyoli village of Gujarat's Khera district. And guarding the Park's 65-million-year-old eggs is a fiercely passionate, dinosaur-loving former princess, Aaliya Sultana Babi. Aaliya fell in love with the fossil beds when she was a teenager and is now an enthusiastic promoter and protector of the precious a... posted on Sep 27 2016, 12,010 reads


Fierce Contemplation: The Nuns Who Stopped a Pipeline
On August 8, 2013, Ceciliana Skees and other sisters from Loretto and several other convents attended an informational meeting held by representatives of the Bluegrass Pipeline. A joint venture between Williams and Boardwalk Pipeline Partners, the project would have transported natural gas liquids from fracking fields in Pennsylvania and Ohio southwest across Kentucky to connect with an existing p... posted on Sep 26 2016, 9,667 reads


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Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid that it will never begin.
Grace Hansen

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