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Remote Wonders: A Conversation with Elaine Ling
"Ling was petite. That didn't stop her from lugging her 4x5 view camera to the most remote places in the world. And she was a doctor. "I love photography and medicine. Doing my Mongolian book, my guide was a Mongolian doctor. He took me around and everywhere we went we connected with doctors in the field. Often they would come with me, so we bombed along the steppes in a jeep full of singing docto... posted on Dec 14 2016, 3,074 reads


Spotlight on Anonymous Giving
Imagine yourself alone. Around you swirl happy people, smiling, shopping, planning festivities. You feel adrift, apart, cut off from your community. But then you discover a gift waiting for you. Something thoughtful or needed. But the giver is anonymous. Who reached out to you with this thoughtful gesture? Or imagine yourself late for work, harried, but you just have to drive through for a coffee ... posted on Dec 13 2016, 14,574 reads


Moving the Giants: An Urgent Plan To Save The Planet
"Moving the Giants" tells the story of arborist David Milarch. In 1991, Milarch had a near death experience that inspired a radical restructuring of his life with a goal to harness the incredible life force of redwood trees to generate healing and change. His efforts among the redwoods serve two purposes: First, as the planet warms and conditions for these redwoods change in their southernmost ran... posted on Dec 12 2016, 3,278 reads


Dan Siegel: The Open Mind
"For some 2,500 years, humans have located the mind in the brain inside our heads. But we ought to consider the origin of mind with an open mind. Is the mind truly within the brain? Or is this an illusion?" Dan Siegel shares more in this fascinating excerpt from his new book titled "Mind: Journey to the Heart of Being Human".... posted on Dec 11 2016, 19,536 reads


Mark Nepo: On Taking the Exquisite Risk
"Mark Nepo is a poet, philosopher, and spiritual teacher who is the author of numerous books and audio projects, including the New York Times bestseller The Book of Awakening. In this transcript of an episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon has an intimate conversation with Mark about the two most important lessons he has learned from his journey with cancer, the role of effort and grace in ou... posted on Dec 10 2016, 26,943 reads


Digital Green: Helping Farmers Through Video
"Today what Rikin Gandhi and his 65-member team do at Digital Green, an independent, non-profit that he heads, is simple: train farmers to make and show short videos where they record their problems, share solutions and highlight success stories. They provide farmers with nifty $200 handheld, battery-operated, small, handheld pico projectors to show the videos to small groups of people in electric... posted on Dec 09 2016, 4,106 reads


Mumbai's Signal Shala: A School in a Shipping Container
"Signal Shala" or Signal School is a school that operates out of a shipping container under a flyover in Mumbai, India, and facilitates education for children who otherwise beg or sell small items at traffic signals to earn a living for themselves and their families. 28-year old Aarti Parab is a teacher at Signal Shala. In this article she shares what inspires her to co-create an environment of l... posted on Dec 08 2016, 10,899 reads


Staying Alive: Mary Oliver on How Books Saved Her Life
"Adults can change their circumstances; children cannot...Whatever can take a child beyond such circumstances, therefore, is an alleviation and a blessing." Mary Oliver shares how books provided salvation, a place into which she could disappear, and how her passion for language helped her conquer her pain and find power through her work.... posted on Dec 07 2016, 15,916 reads


The Pilgrim Who Walked 8000 Miles 50 Years Ago
Satish Kumar commemorates the 50th Anniversary of his Peace Walk from India to Washington D.C. with a 50 mile walk along the River Thames. In this short beautifully made video narrated by Kumar, he enumerates all the things you can learn by walking, as well as ways in which you can learn to make peace with people and with the earth. So, let us "accept life as it is, in its abundant form and celebr... posted on Dec 06 2016, 3,940 reads


Wisdom from the Women at Standing Rock
"For months, the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota has become ground for resistance against the construction of a crude-oil pipeline that desecrated sacred burial and prayer sites and threatens the water supply of the surrounding Native American community. The growing encampment of water protectors at Standing Rock has drawn supporters from across the United States amid escalating te... posted on Dec 05 2016, 41,785 reads


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Do every act of your life as though it were the very last act of your life.
Marcus Aurelius

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