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Coming in Peace, 2017
In this brief, poignant post, Tracy Cochran of Parabola magazine reminds us of a profoundly simple yet overlooked soul-soother that anyone can practice and share: forgiveness. This year, why not take one small step toward self-compassion and taste the peace that comes with self-acceptance. Say, "Forgiven." To yourself, then others. "To ask for and offer forgiveness is to put down arms, daring to s... posted on Jan 23 2017, 11,011 reads


A World Where We Trust Strangers
"Something profound is changing our concept of trust, says Rachel Botsman in this TED talk. While we used to place our trust in institutions like governments and banks, today we increasingly rely on others, often strangers, on platforms like Airbnb and Uber and through technologies like the blockchain. This new era of trust could bring with it a more transparent, inclusive and accountable society ... posted on Jan 22 2017, 18,214 reads


Where Will All the Stories Go?
It is a simple question that P.L. Travers asks Laurens Van Der Post, the writer, soldier, and explorer who has written widely of his home country of Africa: "Where will all the stories go?" But it is not an easy answer. In a winding conversation that touches on Tolkein and the origins of mythology, Travers and Van Der Post explore what role stories play in a modern world where technology and enter... posted on Jan 21 2017, 9,504 reads


Heal the World: Child Prodigy Cover
Nirali Kartik and Kartik Shah of Maati Baani, bring together 45 child prodigies from across the globe to "Heal The World." Working online with musicians ranging from 5 to 13 years of age, MaatiBaani released this video as a tribute to Michael Jackson on what would have been Jackson's 58th birthday. Let this message of love and peace carry us forward throughout the year.... posted on Jan 20 2017, 3,889 reads


Free Nature
Deep inside us is an “ecological self” according to Bill Devall, Sociology professor at Humboldt State University in California and author of Living Richly in an Age of Limits. He says that people need nature more than they have any idea, even a diminished landscape like a city park. They feel better when they are sitting under trees, but parks lack ability to continue the evolutionary... posted on Jan 19 2017, 3,461 reads


Generation Waking Up
Kosmos: "You have been working with young people for a number of years now, Joshua. How is this generation different?" Josh Gorman: "There's a new generation of young people waking up and coming of age all across the planet, a generation rising between an old world dying and a new world being born. We are the make-it-or-break-it generation. The all-or-nothing generation." Gorman is the founder of ... posted on Jan 18 2017, 12,433 reads


The Robin Hood Army
The Robin Hood Army wields a double edged sword fighting food wastage and hunger with one mighty strike. The initiative in Pakistan began in 2015 with volunteer Robin Hoods filling 100 empty tummies in a week. One year later, the army has mobilized and they plan on reaching 500,000 individuals across seven different countries. This is a simple and truly inspiring concept that is confronting two ma... posted on Jan 17 2017, 2,926 reads


Grateful Living as a Practice for Every Moment
In this Awakin Call, Kristi Nelson, Executive Director of A Network for Grateful Living, (check out their popular website, shares a lifetime focusing on social movement through both inner and outer work. She speaks of the root of gratefulness, the reality of impermanence (she was diagnosed 24 years ago with stage four lymphoma), and the danger that we make the world reflect our ... posted on Jan 16 2017, 10,450 reads


Rise and Shine: A Morning Pep Talk from Marcus Aurelius
Some days we are full of inspiration and energy to spring out of bed and into the day. Other times, our motivation may be a little more stifled. Where can we turn on those days when we are less than excited about work? Perhaps to the words of the ancient Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, who offered up this advice: "At dawn, when you have trouble getting out of bed, tell yourself: "I have to go to wo... posted on Jan 15 2017, 17,371 reads


Can Love Stories Change the World?
Deep within us all lies a tender heart. A heart that's been wounded, heroic, or generous. That guides us with a whisper, or drives us like a sergeant. No matter who we are, where we live, or what we've done, we all have stories with our hearts as protagonist. Love stories. Matt Hopwood believes these powerfully personal, emotive narratives can be transformational for both individuals and communiti... posted on Jan 14 2017, 13,457 reads


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The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

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