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Bloombars: A Conversation with John Chambers
"I think I was the only person of color in my entire school who wasn't placed in Special Ed. There was definitely an expectation of failure. So I left my senior year to attend Solebury School in New Hope, PA. This one-year experience really changed the way I thought, and it also forced me into leadership positions. I kind of reinvented, or discovered, myself -- probably both, to be honest. How fas... posted on Feb 02 2017, 3,794 reads


The Boy In The Magic Shop
"Dr. James Doty is the founder and the director of the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE) at the Stanford University School of Medicine of which the Dalai Lama is the founding benefactor. He also happens to be a professor in the Department of Neurosurgery at Stanford and the New York Times bestselling author of Into the Magic Shop: A Neurosurgeons Quest to Discover t... posted on Feb 01 2017, 12,223 reads


Fritjof Capra: We're All In This Together
"At the forefront of contemporary science, the universe is no longer seen as a machine composed of elementary building blocks. We have discovered that the material world is a network of inseparable patterns of relationships; that the planet as a whole is a living, self-regulating system." In this article from Resurgence & Ecologist magazine, Fritjof Capra gives an overview of "systemic thinking," ... posted on Jan 31 2017, 19,015 reads


Gandhi 3.0: Bridging the Internet and the Inner-Net
On the 147th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi's birth, Service Space founder Nipun Mehta gave a talk at Emory University that weaves stories from Gandhi's life into an illuminating take on how to live the ideal of 'change yourself, change the world' in modern times. His talk explores how our highly interconnected and technologically advanced age has the potential to make the power of love exponential... posted on Jan 30 2017, 4,356 reads


Good Morning Beautiful Business!
Judy Wicks is an entrepreneur, activist and author working to build a more compassionate, environmentally sustainable and locally based economy. She notes, "Not long after I opened the White Dog Cafe in Philadelphia in 1983, I hung a sign in my bedroom closet in my home above the business -- right where I would see it each morning. "Good morning, beautiful business," it read, reminding me daily of... posted on Jan 29 2017, 5,705 reads


Inner Beauty
"Inner beauty always reflects on the outside. This is something we have all heard time and again. But then, do we spend less time in front of the mirror? Do we still pay attention to outward appearances and draw a lot of conclusions based on those? ... What if one day our inner self and physical self were turned inside out? How would that impact our looks and confidence? Would most of us be able t... posted on Jan 28 2017, 24,954 reads


Quiet Justice & the Mindful Lawyer
"When I tell people that I teach a class in law and meditation at UC Berkeleys law school, I often hear snorts of disbelief. "It's easier to imagine a kindergarten class sitting in silence for half an hour," a friend said to me, than two lawyers sitting together in silence for five minutes." But the class is no joke. In fact, it's part of a ground-breaking movement that has quietly been taking hol... posted on Jan 27 2017, 12,722 reads


A Deep Dive into the Gift Ecology
Traditional incubators support entrepreneurs in becoming sustainable through money. Service Space's "Laddership Circles", on the other hand, have been flipping that tradition, and exploring how to be sustainable through generosity. In a recent Laddership gathering, a small group of folks from across the globe joined together for a conversation on the "Gift Ecology" -- discussing everything from ho... posted on Jan 26 2017, 11,943 reads


Where Strangers Become Family
Bridge Meadows is a privately funded nonprofit that has established a multigenerational community in Portland, Oregon. Here, in a cluster of townhomes and apartments, low-income elders and adults have adopted or are in the process of adopting children in foster care through an organization that provides on-site services and creates a support network for all. The elders -- the oldest member of the... posted on Jan 25 2017, 10,620 reads


Welcome to Terra Sapiens
In this article, planetary astrobiogist David Grinspoon, senior scientist at the Planetary Science Institute and adjunct professor of astrophysical and planetary science at University of Colorado, focuses on our growing knowledge of what we are doing to this world. He says “we have entered a new epoch of Earth history, one in which the net activity of humans has become an agent of global cha... posted on Jan 24 2017, 5,458 reads


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Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine will be food.

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