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Ron Nakasone & the Art of Sho
"There are still things I don't understand about the brush; I know that when I practice. I know what kind of lines I want. The lines have to be ones with great integrity, a great rationality; and also ones that are visually appealing, because the role of an artist, of course, is to communicate. Hopefully my sho, my calligraphy, will get better and more mature as I get older. I remember when I firs... posted on Feb 22 2017, 8,013 reads


Combating a Creativity Crisis
"KH Kim, author of the new book "The Creativity Challenge" has tested more than 270,000 people, from kindergartners to adults, looking at (among other things) their ability to come up with original ideas, think in a detailed and elaborative way, synthesize information, and be open-minded and curious -- what she considers creativity. Her research has found that Americans' creativity rose from 1966 ... posted on Feb 21 2017, 13,827 reads


This Foster Father Takes in Only Terminally Ill Children
To raise a child by one's self already takes a special person; imagine what it takes to adopt a sick foster child who needs constant care, who very well might die in your arms. Mohamed Bzeek has spent the past twenty years caring for terminally ill foster children, taking them to doctors' visits, tending to special needs, celebrating birthdays, and sacrificing sleep. When the DCFS has a child who'... posted on Feb 20 2017, 11,708 reads


Manifesting Love at Work
In an insightful excerpt from 'Shakti Leadership: Embracing the Feminine and Masculine Power in Business', authors Nilma Bhat and Raj Sisodian express the innovative concept of brining caring and love into the workplace. Conscious companies are embracing this form of leadership, as CEO's of different companies speak about how to manifest love in a capitalist business world, whilst still being succ... posted on Feb 19 2017, 6,426 reads


In the Midst of Winter an Invincible Summer
"In spite of all of our care and precaution, life is unpredictable and subject to change. Our sense of security and control is mostly an illusion. No matter how hard we try to be safe and achieve and become someone in this world, life is uncertainty, and we are wavering creatures. There will be unexpected changes at the last moment. There will be loss." And, yet, in these times of loss, author Tra... posted on Feb 18 2017, 21,022 reads


Keys to Building Solidarity Across Our Differences
"Binary decision-making processes like referendums reflect positions on one issue at one point in time, not whole people with complex lives. Simplistic versions of events can become entrenched, leaving us stuck in different silos. How can we become unstuck? How do we foster solidarity between people who could be allies for radical change but who view each other with suspicion and anger? These are ... posted on Feb 17 2017, 12,312 reads


The Art & Inspiration of Laurel Burch
Those who are familiar with Laurel Burch's hopeful, whimsical, colorful art might be surprised to find she was struggling with pain for most of her life; her outlook was the polar opposite of how she felt physically. Diagnosed with severe osteopetrosis at the age of 7, Burch's bones would easily break or fracture just from a fall or bump. Raising two children on her own was quite a challenge not j... posted on Feb 16 2017, 4,362 reads


When Cancer Calls Everything Into Question
"Most of us walk through our lives feeling so certain of what we hold to be true; then along comes a crisis -- like cancer -- and sud?denly all bets are off. As humans, we crave certainty. Se?curity. We want to know, Why did this happen? Will I be OK? What if there are no answers and no certainty to be found? What if we can't know? Does that mean peace of mind and heart are no longer possible?" In... posted on Feb 15 2017, 13,906 reads


A Spotlight on Love
Love is in the air! When we hear that phrase, we might picture, perhaps, a young giddy couple freshly struck by Cupid's arrow or maybe an older couple holding hands as they stroll quietly along a boardwalk awash in a sunset glow. Perhaps the phrase conjures images of roses, chocolates, and candlelit dinners. But love is so much broader an emotion and action than romance. In this Daily Good Spotlig... posted on Feb 14 2017, 16,558 reads


How Do We Wake Up?: A Conversation with Mark Dubois
"Nature's subtleness changed me even when I wasn't aware of it. In retrospect, I feel sort of like an insensitive oaf who got to play in the fields of the Lord and had no idea where I was, except it made all of us smile. So even if we don't have language or recognition of it, my experience is that nature works through us." Today, few people know better, or feel more deeply, our essential connectio... posted on Feb 13 2017, 10,994 reads


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Recognize yourself in he and she who are not like you and me.
Carlos Fuentes

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