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How Behavioral Science Helps Tackle Big Issues
Over the past several decades, behavioral science researchers have uncovered a wealth of fascinating insights into the human mind. But much of this study has been confined to laboratories and academia. Alissa Fishbane is bucking that trend by applying the lessons from behavioral science to the social sector. As managing director of ideas24, her team advises governments and nonprofits about how to ... posted on Mar 15 2017, 11,914 reads


When Kids Say Thanks
When a child shows or feels gratitude, how does it affect other areas of his or her life over time? How best could we bring this practice into schools? What techniques in which settings produce the best results? Inspired by an act of kindness received while recovering from a childhood illness, Giacomo Bono has been studying the answers to these questions and more, adding to a growing body of resea... posted on Mar 14 2017, 9,215 reads


Do Not Lose Heart: We Were Made For These Times
There are times when living for today is exactly what we need to do, and there other times when we will only prevail if we take the long view of life on this Earth and stop measuring our success by the problems we solve each day. For this reason, Clarissa Pinkola Estes exhorts us to embrace the moment we are in with all of its fear, uncertainty, and turmoil. She says, "I too have felt despair many... posted on Mar 13 2017, 0 reads


Should You Live for Your Eulogy or Your Resume?
Within each of us are two selves, suggests David Brooks in this meditative short talk: the self who craves success, who builds a resume; and the self who seeks connection, community, and love -- the values that make for a great eulogy. In this short talk, Brooks asks: Can we balance these two selves? ... posted on Mar 12 2017, 51,863 reads


Shai Reshef: The Man Educating the World
After his retirement, educational entrepreneur Shai Reshef felt nagging questions: "What if everyone could go to university? What if education was a human right?" He "set about bringing together volunteer tutors, low-tech open-source software and the internet to create the world's first tuition-free online, accredited university....Today University of the People (UoPeople) has enrolled students fr... posted on Mar 11 2017, 19,874 reads


A Call to Revolutionary Love
Valarie Kaur has lived the radical lessons of love that she shares as "an American interfaith leader, lawyer, filmmaker, Sikh activist, and founder of The Revolutionary Love Project based at the University of Southern California." She knows the sting of losing friends as a child because of her religion. She knows the trauma of losing a beloved family friend who was killed in a hate-crime in the af... posted on Mar 10 2017, 13,129 reads


Liz Mitten Ryan: One With The Herd
In 1999 Liz Mitten Ryan, award-winning artist, mother of six and founder of a successful fine art publishing company in Vancouver, moved with her architect husband, and a herd of eleven horses, to Gateway 2 Ranch -- a 320-acre slice of paradise nestled in the grasslands of British Columbia. For over a decade now, Liz has facilitated "Equinisity Retreats" on this magnificent land. Coined by her hu... posted on Mar 09 2017, 16,876 reads


Spotlight on Women Who Are Changing the World
While a woman's work is never done, just what that work is has changed dramatically in recent years. From financiers to social activists, inventors to world leaders, women are shaping the present and helping to build a stronger future. Together they are easing the burdens of poverty and fighting for social justice. Today marks International Women's Day. In celebration, this Daily Good Spotlight on... posted on Mar 08 2017, 14,864 reads


On Walls, Cultural Resistance and the Artistry of Lily Yeh
Founded 15 years ago by Lily Yeh, Barefoot Artists is an organization that "travels to impoverished or traumatized communities and brings art as a means of healing and transformation. Part visual art, part community building, bonding, and mobilizing, it is a process [Yeh] describes as a living social sculpture. Yeh passionately believes in the power of communities to embrace their suffering and tr... posted on Mar 07 2017, 2,684 reads


Eight Ways to Stand up to Hate
Ever neglect to defend someone in a sticky situation and then kick yourself later for not having done anything? Oftentimes we freeze. Other times we fear retaliation. Maybe we simply are at a loss for what to do. But it's everyday events such as these that can affect society's overall tolerance for hate, which can be found not just in the news but under our very noses. This article gets us ready f... posted on Mar 06 2017, 26,744 reads


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If one person believes in you, youre okay.
Barbara Ganzkow

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