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Viktor Frankl & the Search for Meaning
Few books of the last century have had a greater impact on our quest for meaning than Viktor Frankl's Man's Search for Meaning. This all-time bestseller was written by a Jewish man who had just lost everything in the Holocaust. When Frankl, emaciated from concentration camps, returned to his beloved Vienna, no one was there to meet him. His mother had been gassed at Auschwitz. His brother had been... posted on Apr 14 2017, 58,537 reads


For the Love of Bees: A Conversation with Meredith May
"(My grandfather) instilled in me a love of bees and their gentle nature, but I think what I absorbed from it-- without even realizing it -- is how his relationship with the bees gave him a relationship with everybody up and down (Big Sur)." Award winning journalist, writer, and beekeeper, Meredith May talks about family, beekeeping, and storytelling. ... posted on Apr 13 2017, 3,429 reads


This Is A Poem That Heals Fish
What is a poem? The beautiful children's book, 'This Is a Poem That Heals Fish', follows the journey of a young boy seeking to answer just that. Written by French poet Jean-Pierre Simen and brilliantly translated into English by Claudia Zoe Bedrick, the story is as moving as it is profound. Poetry, by its very nature, is often elusive, and this is reflected in the responses of the characters who a... posted on Apr 12 2017, 18,272 reads


Jeannie Kahwajy: Catching Everything As Help
"I want to catch what people are offering, catch everything as help; like Aikido. Aikido is a martial art where it doesn't matter what intention somebody is moving towards you with. I can always catch it as helpful energy -- I get to develop this redirecting skill." Jeannie Kahwajy is an executive coach and the CEO of Effective Interactions. She believes an attitude of love is the most effective w... posted on Apr 11 2017, 15,781 reads


Getting Out of the Way: How a Doctor Learned to Heal
Healing comes from within. This is the conclusion of Dr. Steven Weiss who has practiced osteopathic medicine for the past 30 years. Using a wide range of modalities and traditions, Dr. Weiss has made it his aim to help people access the energies within to find their way to healing. By "Getting out of the way" he allows the healing energy to become accessible through him to those hidden places wher... posted on Apr 10 2017, 20,720 reads


Cash & Care for Criminals: Reducing Gun Violence
Operation Peace Fellowship was founded by a core group of ex-cons to bring an end to gun violence. Together, they are working in Richmond, CA and other cities around the US to help gun-prone, troubled youth graduate from high school, find jobs, and settle conflicts without guns. Unconventional approaches have been used, like paying criminals to put down their guns, but more importantly, says James... posted on Apr 09 2017, 3,847 reads


Angeles Arrien: On What Is Gratitude?
The expression of gratitude is the glue that holds society and relationships together, while its opposite - ingratitude - contributes to societal dissolution and separation. That means gratefulness is essential to humankind's sustainability and survival, whether cultural, psychological, physical, spiritual, or even financial. Cultural anthropologist and beloved author and teacher, Angeles Arrien s... posted on Apr 08 2017, 21,893 reads


Blessing: The Gentle Art & Practice of Pierre Pradervand
Pierre Pradervand has worked for decades in personal development and social justice. He has lived on nearly every continent, and is the author of 'The Gentle Art of Blessing: A Simple Practice That Will Transform You and Your World', in which he posits that making the conscious choice to bless every person or being around you can truly make a world of difference in yourself and in others around yo... posted on Apr 07 2017, 16,046 reads


The Couple Who Turned Barren Land Into a Wildlife Sanctuary
Wouldn't it be great to wake up to the sound of chirping birds, with fresh air and splendid scenery around? In the concrete jungle of our cities where even house sparrows are fast disappearing, this seems like a dream. But a couple has converted this dream into a reality by creating a wildlife sanctuary of their own. Passionate about wildlife and nature conservation, they bought 55 acres of land i... posted on Apr 06 2017, 23,420 reads


Protecterra's Farm
Protecterra Ecological Foundation was founded in 2011 with a vision and dream of a sustainable planet, a more sensitive people, and a global society that respects nature, and comes together in solidarity to heal and protect earth. Protecterra facilitates numerous initiatives principled on values of education, awareness, and outreach. This video documents one such initiative -- Protecterra's Farm... posted on Apr 05 2017, 2,900 reads


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Things don't change. You change your way of looking, that's all.
Carlos Castaneda

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