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Graduation: A Song & Speech for the Ages
Just in time for the millions of students around the world preparing for the milestone of graduation, comes this powerful music video! Written by be-the-change rapper Nimo Patel in India and animated by the French animators 'Superfruit Collective', it features a chorus of students from the Philippines, and excerpts from a graduation speech in America by ServiceSpace founder Nipun Mehta -- a true g... posted on May 04 2017, 27,727 reads


Robert Bengston: Inspiration Campaign
In 2012 artist Robert Bengston started a new participatory, people-powered project, Inspiration Campaign, that involves beautiful, empowering, nothing-for-sale advertising. The aim was to inspire the human spirit, and to transform mainstream media into a source of inspiration. The campaign uses crowd-funding to run uplifting, crowd-sourced messages on traditional physical advertising spaces. Mess... posted on May 03 2017, 11,271 reads


Hello Hijab: Mom Hopes To Create A Better World For Daughter
Safaa Bokhari, a mom living in Oakland, Pennsylvania, has experienced difficulty practicing her Muslim faith, especially while wearing her headscarf. Her goal is to foster a safer environment for her daughter when she becomes old enough to choose whether to wear a headscarf. To do that, she teamed up with a community organization in Pittsburgh to launch Hello Hijab, which creates tiny headscarves ... posted on May 02 2017, 11,782 reads


Teen Activist Works to Save the Earth
Kelsey Juliana is proof that you're never too young or too busy to save the planet. Since the tender age of 15, when most of her peers were busy with soccer practice and reading the Hunger Games, Kelsey has been delving into legal briefs as a co-plaintiff for Oregon TRUST (a nonprofit fighting climate change for future generations), which is suing the state of Oregon "to take a more aggressive sta... posted on May 01 2017, 16,639 reads


Why We Need a Secular Sabbath
According to acclaimed writer Pico Iyer, interruptions come every eleven minutes, leaving us with the feeling that we are never caught up on our lives. The constant interruptions from technology make us feel fractured and frustrated with life. When we are overly focused on technology, what is most important to us escapes us both in work and at home. Iyer suggests dedicating one day a week to a "Se... posted on Apr 30 2017, 17,670 reads


The Power of the Mindful Minute at Work: One Company's Brave Exp
Investing and finance aren't exactly fields synonymous with mindfulness and kindness, but some companies are starting to change that. During his annual review at an investment firm, Birju Pandya's boss looked at him and said, "You've done well. What do you want?" Pandya, now a senior advisor at RSF, calls it "the 'Godfather offer'" of the investment bank world. His mind teetered on the verge of a ... posted on Apr 29 2017, 5,055 reads


A Nobel Laureate on the Power of Not Knowing
"Surrender to not-knowing" was the catchphrase of poet Wislawa Szymborska who offered this as a guide to participate in the wonder of creation as an artist. Whether a scientist, poet, or everyday worker we are all artists as we become co-creators in life. As we step into each moment with the willingness to allow for the unexpected to unfold, we make art with the stuff of our lives. The alternative... posted on Apr 28 2017, 12,697 reads


Honorable Harvest: Indigenous Lessons in Giving Thanks
In a consumer-driven society, it's easy to take for granted the abundance of Earth's natural resources by which we're surrounded: fresh air to breathe, plants, water, and food. What if we looked at each of these life-giving sources as gifts, fellow persons even, rather than mere objects for our taking? YES! Magazine writer Robin Wall Kimmerer challenges readers to consider how we treat and interac... posted on Apr 27 2017, 10,904 reads


Will Rosenzweig: Business Lessons from a Quiet Gardener
When William Rosenzweig learned he had been awarded the prestigious Oslo Business for Peace Award via a Google news alert -- he immediately assumed it was spam. But it was in fact real. A 2010 recipient of this award, selected by a committee of Nobel Laureates for the highest distinction given to a businessperson for outstanding accomplishments in the area of ethical business, Will has spent more... posted on Apr 26 2017, 12,299 reads


Crazywise: A Filmmaker Explores the Heart of Mental Illness
Phil Borges is a dentist-turned-photographer, author, filmmaker and social change storyteller. For more than 25 years, he has been documenting indigenous and tribal cultures in some of the world's most remote, inaccessible areas. His recent film Crazywise reveals a paradigm shift that's challenging the way Western culture defines and treats "mental illness" and highlights a survivor-led movement d... posted on Apr 25 2017, 17,089 reads


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Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.
Samuel Beckett

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