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Ode To Women: A Musical Mother's Day Special
A decade ago South Asian Hip Hop artists Nimo, Swap, and KB collaborated on a song called Ode to Women.Ten years later they reunited along with gifted filmmaker, Ellie Walton, to bring it to life through a powerful music video. Filmed in India, motherland of their mothers, and bursting with the vibrant colors and scenes of that part of the world,the video includes three vignettes of everyday women... posted on May 14 2017, 13,795 reads


Seeds of Change: Meet A Hero of the Urban Farm Movement
It began with a single tomato. Watching her own home-grown plant take form before her eyes, and tasting for herself the deliciousness, Karen Washington dove into gardening as more than just a hobby -- it became her calling. Deemed as 'the queen of urban farming', Washington is a change maker and urban revolutionist ---greening the streets of New York City's poorest areas one abandoned lot at a tim... posted on May 13 2017, 8,464 reads


The Freedom of Real Apologies
In 2009, the U.S government quietly released the congressional resolution of "Apology to Native Peoples," hidden inside the 2010 Department of Defense Appropriations Act. In response, Layli Long Soldier authored WHEREAS, a book of pioneering poetry, which went on to receive the 2016 Whiting Award. Soldier, a member of the Oglala Lakota Nation, grew up in Arizona where she now teaches English at Di... posted on May 12 2017, 6,456 reads


Re-Imagining the World: An Artist's Remarkable Life Journey
They say that a creative adult is the child who survived. From an early age, Slobodan Dan Paich had a powerful awareness of his inner compass. In the decades since, it has led him across the globe and against many odds, to build community through art and to leverage the creative force for re-imagining the world. Slobodan reminds us how staying true to ourselves, and working with our fears, we can ... posted on May 11 2017, 3,251 reads


The True Birthright of the Storyteller
As a newspaper reporter, Rajni Bakshi initially enjoyed the thrill of getting out there to write about any interesting story she could find. But that thrill faded as she began to feel that although it's important to record what is, it is also important to illuminate what can be. To Rajni, that means "making visible those people, ideas and actions that seem at first extraordinary but which actually... posted on May 10 2017, 7,308 reads


Born Baffled:Musings on a Writing Life
In the fall of 1978, Parker Palmer gave a lecture to a small literature class. Word-of-mouth landed him a book deal and 26 years later, he has published multiple books on a range of topics that he describes as 'curious musings' on his many interests. Since his first publication 'The Promise of Paradox', he continues to write, fueled by his love of words. For budding authors and word enthusiasts, h... posted on May 09 2017, 13,830 reads


Seed, Soil, Light: A Revolutionary's Journey
"We need to let the soil and plants recharge our DNA. We need to create a new paradigm of how to live and exist based on the land." Tommy Joshua is paving the way to do just that. Raised in a poverty-ridden neighborhood he witnessed social injustice. Brave examples in his own family inspired him to be part of the solution as a community organizer and educator. Nothing could stand in his way for lo... posted on May 08 2017, 9,794 reads


Ask Him Anything
Mansoor Shams is a 34 year old U.S. Marine. He's also a Muslim whose family immigrated to America when he was just 6-years-old. In "Ask Him Anything: This Muslim Marine Wants to Bust Myths About His Faith" from PBS News Hour, Shams travels to 4 western U.S. cities to combat prejudice and open up a dialogue about the fears and prejudices people may have about Muslims and immigrants, often finding c... posted on May 07 2017, 3,225 reads


Belonging Creates & Undoes Us Both
Padraig O Tuama is a poet, theologian, and extraordinary healer in our world of fracture. He leads the Corrymeela community of Northern Ireland, a place that has offered refuge since the violent division that defined that country until the 1998 Good Friday Agreement. And Padraig and Corrymeela extend a quiet, generative, and joyful force far beyond their northern coast to people around the world. ... posted on May 06 2017, 10,093 reads


Peak Performance: Lessons in Leadership from Mountain Guides
Leadership is needed in times of upheaval and transition -- but what are the qualities it takes to be an effective leader and a positive influence? Christopher I. Maxwell of the Wharton Center for Leadership delves into this question in an interview. In it he discusses his book, "Lead Like a Guide: How World Class Mountain Guides Inspire Us to Be Better Leaders." Maxwell interviewed mountain guid... posted on May 05 2017, 13,011 reads


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Stories can conquer fear, you know. They can make the heart bigger.
Ben Okri

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