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The Solace of Wild Places in Nature and Ourselves
Most of us live far from truly wild places that could give us comfort from the troubles of this world, yet we badly need this healing found in nature. The Japanese recognize this need for connection to nature and have a custom they call "shinrin-yoku," which means forest bathing. In this piece, Lucia Bettler recommends that we each take time to rest our minds and hearts in the quiet greenness of M... posted on Aug 12 2017, 16,527 reads


Elisabet Sahtouris on Ecosophy
In this interview Elizabet Sahtouris shares how society must unite to work toward the common goal of creating a better future for our planet. In order to overcome our tendency toward destruction, we must put aside our competitive nature to work in global harmony. Ecosophy, or "the household which is wise", she describes, is one that does not separate ecology from economy. "The old and the new worl... posted on Aug 11 2017, 11,709 reads


Looking Past Limits: The Remarkable Story of Caroline Casey
Activist Caroline Casey tells the story of her extraordinary life, starting with a jaw-dropping revelation (no spoilers). In a talk that challenges perceptions, Casey asks us all to move beyond the limits we may think we have. At age 34 she realized the three dreams she held as a teenager: to become an elephant handler, to work for herself, and to drive a race car at 185 km/h. She went on to start... posted on Aug 10 2017, 13,235 reads


A Vision for the World
Brother David Steindl-Rast has a vision for the world. One where people's attitude is changed by whatever is given, and whatever the circumstance, whatever is given is seen as a gift. And then of course, the appropriate response to a gift is gratitude. The gift hidden in our unprecedented world crisis is an equally unprecedented opportunity. The opportunity to wake up to the madness of violence. T... posted on Aug 09 2017, 11,005 reads


Localization for People & the Earth
Localization has become a force around the world, but what is it exactly and why are people disgruntled with globalization? The Economics of Happiness conference in Bangalore, India explored localization and the pressures moving the world from global to local economies and ways of living. The short video introduction provides a succinct overview that leads directly into the full presentations of i... posted on Aug 08 2017, 2,225 reads


A Weaver of Kind Voices
Ironically, in an age where we seem to be more connected than ever, research shows that we are lonelier than ever. Inspired by the writings of Thoreau, Steinbeck, and the teamwork of his community garden, David Levins decided to break down the barriers of isolation, one conversation at a time. In 2012, he initiated A Kind Voice, a nationwide, volunteer-run phone line where people call in anytime f... posted on Aug 07 2017, 9,656 reads


Dying to Be Me
Doctors had given Anita Moorjani just hours to live when she arrived at the hospital on the morning of February 2nd, 2006. Unable to move as a result of the cancer that had ravaged her body for almost four years, Anita went into a coma where she experienced great clarity about her life and purpose here on earth. She was given a choice of whether to return to life or not, and chose to return when s... posted on Aug 06 2017, 10,162 reads


Wu De: Tea Is the Great Connector
Zen monk and tea master Wu De shares his insights on the timeless ritual of drinking tea. Believing that tea is a 'powerful carrier' of the message of presence and loving kindness, Wu De explains tea drinking as a non-verbal transmission of sharing, listening and communicating without words, to connect all peoples -- no matter their beliefs, cultures, ages, or world-views. His tea centers, all run... posted on Aug 05 2017, 10,145 reads


Reaping Wonder from Everyday Reality
"The mind is not, I know, a highway, but a temple, and its doors should not be carelessly left open", wrote Margaret Fuller, an American journalist and women's rights activist. In her first book, "Summer on the Lakes, in 1843" Fuller examines the idea of 4 perspectives, Old Church, Good Sense, Self-Poise, and Free Hope. Free Hope, she writes, results from an attentiveness toward everyday life and ... posted on Aug 04 2017, 7,998 reads


Three Stories of Healing and Transformation
A physician's assistant and former doctor learns about the essence of serving patients not from medical school, but from a job at an arts-and-crafts store deeply listening to people and connecting with the humanity in others. A pediatric doctor in a large HMO was burned out and dejected because she was not living up to her vision of saving lives -- until motherhood and fresh eyes of seeing the va... posted on Aug 03 2017, 11,178 reads


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A moment's insight is sometimes worth a life's experience.
Oliver Wendell Holmes

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