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Mind the Stream: Where Mindfulness and Technology Meet
"Look around you. How many devices are bidding for your attention? If someone came into your dwelling space, could they tell what year it was by the technology that immediately surrounded you, or would they have to dig a little deeper?" Writer Emily Barr poses these questions, and others in this reflective essay that weaves together the latest findings around how our minds and our lives are being... posted on Oct 11 2017, 13,770 reads


I, Who Did Not Die
In this interview, Richard Whittaker sits down with Meredith May, author of "I, Who Did Not Die," a true story of hope and humanity, beginning with an event on a battlefield during the Iran-Iraq war. There, an Iranian boy soldier named Zahed takes mercy on an Iraqi soldier, Najah, after seeing a picture of his loved ones that dropped out of his Quran. Realizing their commonalities, he decides to s... posted on Oct 10 2017, 7,392 reads


French Lessons
An ordinary day can turn extraordinary at any given moment. For Tracy Cochran, it happened while walking the dog one colorful autumn morning. She paused for a second, looked up at the lake. . . and then it struck. A flash of insight and heart-opening so profound it swept her away. It was like lightning. But her good fortune didn't end there, as an opportunity to visit vineyards in France presented... posted on Oct 09 2017, 9,507 reads


The Science of Stress: Memories, Your Immune System and More
Many people have studied the effects that stress can have on the body, "but no researcher has done more to illuminate the invisible threads that weave mind and body together than Dr. Esther Sternberg. Her groundbreaking work on the link between the central nervous system and the immune system, exploring how immune molecules made in the blood can trigger brain function that profoundly affects our e... posted on Oct 08 2017, 30,513 reads


Getting to Cleveland: Seth Godin on Gratitude
According to writer Seth Godin, there are two ways to live in the world: with a "have to" attitude or a "get to" attitude. The latter mindset opens up the world and all the possibility of goodness therein and the former shuts down the heart and closes the door on the world. So the question is, how do we want to live? Too often, we have taken the gifts around us for granted and end up feeling entit... posted on Oct 07 2017, 13,512 reads


Finding Your Moment of Obligation
People who successfully tackle big social, environmental, and economic problems are driven by what Lara Galinsky of Echoing Green calls a moment of obligation -- a specific time in their life when they felt compelled to act. These moments become their North Star and keep them going in a positive direction when everything seems dark. Activists or social entrepreneurs aren't the only ones who are mo... posted on Oct 06 2017, 10,120 reads


To Honor the Sacred
It was after losing the sight in his right eye that David Ulrich began photographing the Hawai'in Islands. As he struggled to capture the intense beauty and the terrifying destruction of Kaho'olawe he learned "right seeing." In this article, he describes how he was tested by the island. He took a step back and listened. He began seeing the dark sacredness of the land, the higher energies that cann... posted on Oct 05 2017, 9,767 reads


From Big Data to Deep Data
Big data is increasingly suspect. We fear big companies are taking our personal data without asking and selling it to others without our knowledge. But who owns our personal data and decides how it is used? Otto Scharmer suggests that big data can be used to transform people and communities by showing us who we are. Big data used in this way is called deep data. Surface data is about what others d... posted on Oct 04 2017, 10,672 reads


Six Principles of Non-Violence
At a time when some feel resistance is inevitable and many are frustrated in effecting the change they seek, non-violence remains the best course of action. Michael Nagler, author of The Nonviolence Handbook, provides six guidelines for engaging with others more safely and effectively. Drawing on the works and wisdom of Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., Nagler describes the underlying attitudes ... posted on Oct 03 2017, 24,887 reads


Money and My Relationship With It
In this intimate conversation, individuals who have spent much of their lives exploring the depths of our relationship with money share their perspectives, vulnerable moments, and truths around the topic. Jacob Needleman is a philosopher who's written 20 books on the inner life, including one called "Money and the Meaning of Life." Min Xuan Lee chimes in from her perspective as founder of PlayMool... posted on Oct 02 2017, 11,187 reads


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Two things awe me most, the starry sky above me and the moral law within me.
Immanuel Kant

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