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People Helped You Whether You Knew It Or Not
William Weaver, currently the chief of surgery at the Fayetteville VA Medical Center in North Carolina, doesn't remember a single day in high school "that a teacher didn't tell him that he didn't belong." This was in Knoxville, Tennessee, where in 1964, he was one of 14 black students integrating the all-white West High School. He remembers his test papers being unfairly snatched from him so he ... posted on Oct 21 2017, 11,239 reads


How Trauma Lodges in the Body
Human memory is a sensory experience, says psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk. Through his longtime research and innovation in trauma treatment, he shares what he's learning about how bodywork like yoga or eye movement therapy can restore a sense of goodness and safety. What he's learning speaks to a resilience we can all cultivate in the face of overwhelming events -- which, after all, make up the ... posted on Oct 20 2017, 67,331 reads


Bowing in Service: A Short Film with Unlikely Stars
Over two million women bow down countless times each night as they pick up waste and refuse in Indian cities, working through unhygienic conditions to keep India clean, earning a meager pay while their efforts go unnoticed. In this short film by actor and filmmaker Divyang Thakkar, we follow the story of children living in the slums in Ahmedabad, India and their acts of kindness and service as th... posted on Oct 19 2017, 12,891 reads


Spotlight on Peacemakers
It is so easy to stir the stew, to add your own spice and heat to it until it boils over rendering anything inside charred and devoid of nutrition. How much more difficult it is to soothe an angry temper, to see from another's point of view, to broker peace? In this Spotlight on Peacemakers, we take a look back at DailyGood features on remarkable people who have brought peace to tense situations a... posted on Oct 18 2017, 1,566 reads


What We Measure. What We Value. And Why the Difference Matters.
This thought-provoking piece highlights the problems that can occur when we let what we measure tell us what to value. "Whether you are in business, government, non-profit or academics, the metrics that surround you drive your action. The purpose of all these metrics is to drive productive action, and if you instead interpret these metrics as a measure of value, a very different set of counter-pro... posted on Oct 17 2017, 14,938 reads


The Myth of the Digital Gene
How do parents raise children in this digital age? In this TEDx talk, Mary Rothschild suggests that what children most need is a parent's loving attention. Concerned that media saturation intrudes on a child's imagination, she urges parents to consider the types of media their children are consuming and to make sure they also have plenty of free play, alone time, quiet, and attention.... posted on Oct 16 2017, 12,501 reads


Snakes and Strawberries
What can the simplicity of a small home garden teach us about the complexities of the world? Perhaps that life is about finding harmony within ever-changing conditions. Recognizing how balance can be created, and when to act (or not act) according to the needs of the environment. In witnessing the dance of snakes and strawberries in her garden, the author of this piece arrives at the quiet insight... posted on Oct 15 2017, 15,039 reads


The Refuge
For hundreds of generations, the Gwich'in people of Alaska and northern Canada have depended on the caribou that migrate through the Arctic Refuge. They believe that they are guardians of the herd, and that the fates of the people and the caribou are forever entwined. For the last 30 years, the Gwich'in have been fighting to preserve a pristine coastal plain where the caribou calve their young, "t... posted on Oct 14 2017, 2,366 reads


An Unexpected Friend at Our Awakin Circle
Awakin Circles started two decades ago when a family in California decided to open their living room on a weekly basis for people to practice stillness, participate in a circle of sharing, and partake of a meal together. Today there are dozens of Awakin Circles held in homes that span the globe. In these ordinary settings, extraordinary stories unfold. Such as this one from an Awakin Circle held e... posted on Oct 13 2017, 12,123 reads


A Visit to the Possibility Alliance
Peter Klamus returns to a simpler time, as he visits Possibility Alliance, a Missouri homestead with no electricity, gas, cars, or planes. Dinners are shared by candlelight and fireflies bring light to the night sky. Owners Ethan and Sarah Hughes acquired the land in 2007, and have welcomed thousands of visitors whom they educate about post-fossil-fuel-living. Their community is close-knit and sel... posted on Oct 12 2017, 11,530 reads


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Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen closely.
from 'The Land Before Time'

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