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The Whisper of the Order of Things
A philosopher's questioning and a scientist's eye shape Enrique Martnez Celaya's original approach to art and to life. A world-renowned painter who trained as a physicist, he's fascinated by the deeper order that "whispers" beneath the surface of things. Works of art that endure, he says, possess their own form of consciousness. And a quiet life of purpose is a particular form of prophecy. Learn m... posted on Nov 12 2017, 9,495 reads


The Age of We Need Each Other
A paradigm shift is what might move us and the world beyond the Age of Separation and into the Age of We Need Each Other. After Charles Eisenstein suffered a big failure, something told him he needed to drop the thought that he would get any recognition or credit for his work. Then he really questioned what lies at the heart of what we do and why. "Our culture validates and celebrates those who ar... posted on Nov 09 2017, 16,419 reads


Birds and Saints Don't Collect
Larry Brilliant has tended to find himself in the right place at the right time -- he has engaged with some of the world's most prominent thought leaders and spiritual masters including Neem Karoli Baba, Martin Luther King, Jr., Steve Jobs, Wavy Gravy, and the Dalai Lama; led a team of 150,000 doctors to eradicate small pox in the world; started the Seva Foundation; received the first TED Prize; w... posted on Nov 08 2017, 15,981 reads


Richard Rohr: From Being Driven to Being Drawn
Knowing that there will be sadness, there will be challenges, that things aren't always smooth sailing, do you find yourself saying 'yes' to life? When we accept the uncomfortable experiences, we realize that joy and sadness can coexist, and by choosing our focus, we change the direction of our lives. The foundation of 'yes' to all that occurs does not mean we relinquish our strength and boundarie... posted on Nov 07 2017, 21,206 reads


The Imagination of Stonefox
In this joyful video, journey into the Imaginarium of Stonefox (artist Chuck Galvin) and his sidekick T-Ball. Stonefox reminds us that imagination is one of the most useful allies in life and that the heart is connected to everything in the body, especially the mouth. You can't help but smile as you gaze upon some of Stonefox's creations and absorb his wisdom.... posted on Nov 06 2017, 3,715 reads


10 Young Leaders Building Peace
When the news is flooded with stories of conflict happening around the world, it can be easy to forget the efforts being made to create peaceful communities, relationships, classrooms, and businesses. Here's an invitation to take a different view, and focus on the good being done by 10 young peacemakers, from Afghanistan to Australia. You'll likely recognize a few!... posted on Nov 05 2017, 11,627 reads


It Was About Friendship, Not The Home
Author Colin Beavan discusses a memoir by Drew Philip called "A $500 House In Detroit" in which the author meets and befriends his new neighbors. The article chronicles Drew's journey, revealing that in his quest to do the right thing, he focused on friendship and worked to transcend and accept differences between him and others.
... posted on Nov 04 2017, 8,503 reads


Anne Lamott Writes Down Every Single Thing She Knows
If you know Anne Lamott's writing, nothing more in the way of introduction is necessary. If you do not, this list of life lessons will become the magical touchstone you finger like rosary beads every time the world breaks you open in love or loss.... posted on Nov 03 2017, 234,265 reads


The World's First Elephant-Friendly Farm
Tenzing dreamed of transforming his family's paddy and vegetable farm into an organic tea farm, though he was told that growing tea organically was impossible. When Tenzing saw the harmful effects pesticides had on his workers and farm animals, he persisted with his dream. In 2007, after a number of challenges, Tenzing's tea farm became the first and only farm out of 12,000 others in Assam to gro... posted on Nov 02 2017, 14,015 reads


Edmund Benson: A Life of Hard Work and Giving Back
In this Awakin Call interview, Edmund Benson discusses his life from his difficult childhood through retirement when he began the ARISE Foundation, a program teaching global skills to at-risk youth. After feeling like the black sheep of the family, Benson joined the military in his teens where he was exposed to people struggling with alcohol, anger, and other problems, teaching him to live in a mo... posted on Nov 01 2017, 8,436 reads


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Except we love, all news comes as from a distant land.
Mary Oliver

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