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Holly Near's Planetary Anthem Dares Us to Be Magical
"I do not separate my music from my heart nor do I separate my ideas from my daily life. I open myself up to learning as much as I can about humanity and this mysterious life experience... Moment by moment, I integrate what I learn into my personal life, personalizing my politics. It is from this personal place that I write my songs." Holly Near is an activist, singer-song writer who uses her voic... posted on Nov 22 2017, 3,195 reads


Overcoming Stress By Seeing Other People's Joy
Often, empathetic people build up emotional barriers to prevent stress and burnout from their interactions from others. However, Kelly McGonigal believes in the opposite. In the article, Kelly discusses the reasons to double down on positive empathy and provides ways for you to foster joy to combat stress.
... posted on Nov 21 2017, 25,173 reads


Ani Choying: Gratitude and Service
Ani Choying Drolma never expected to be a Rockstar Nun. She only wanted to be of benefit to others in her life and has done so in many ways. She suffered abuse as a child, yet her heart is full of compassion, not resentment. She went on to adopt a child and eventually inspired a foundation to support others in helping orphans. Her gift of singing was eventually shared not out of ego, but out of a ... posted on Nov 20 2017, 10,796 reads


A Lesson in Letting Go From My Mother
This delicious essay is a paean to a mother who nourishes and nurtures, is selfless, gracious, and wise. . . even when a domestic ritual changed forever. The source of many happy memories for the writer as a teen was watching her mother make fresh roti (Indian bread). There was a process she followed -- one that was methodical, careful, and slow, that included plenty of leisurely talk while calmly... posted on Nov 19 2017, 16,521 reads


5 Schools Moving the Needle on Sustainability
When it comes to formal education in schools and colleges, sustainability is too often boiled down to the technical study of environmental science in a classroom setting. But how do we teach our students to actually practice sustainable living? In the wake of the loosening environmental regulations in the United States, read about the efforts of these five colleges and universities which are commi... posted on Nov 18 2017, 10,925 reads


In the Beginning Was Love
"I think he [Robert Lax] understood the difference between hearing and listening, and he really emphasized the listening. In fact, one of the things he'd say when we walked along the Patmos shoreline was, 'Well, I'm going to go back up to my place now. There's a lot of listening I have to get to.'
And listening for what? I think for all the cosmic sounds, his own heart, his own soul.." A lo... posted on Nov 17 2017, 14,476 reads


The Gift of Cold
"For our ancestors, winter was a test of survival," writes Fabiana Fondevila, a journalist, children's book author and ritual maker from Buenos Aires, Argentina. She remarks that "although ... many of us ... have heated homes, transportation and warm clothing, the season of bare trees takes us back to the experience of that first vulnerability." In this poignant essay on winter, Fondevila encourag... posted on Nov 16 2017, 14,781 reads


One Activist's Oath, First Vow Not to Burn Out
Mushim Patricia Ikeda is a teacher, artist and activist. She's worked tirelessly for the upliftment of the marginalized. Through her work, Ikeda realized that the major danger for activists is burnout. "We need tools to address and prevent burnout and we need to go to the root of it," she said. It was in her earlier years during activist work that she recognized an acceptance, if not cultivation, ... posted on Nov 15 2017, 11,243 reads


Pass It Along: A Luthier Shares a Song
The saying "we are all connected as one" is a seeming platitude we have all heard, yet this piece shares fascinating evidence to confirm the truth that we are indeed connected on an atomic level. "Long story short, it turns out that no matter where you go in the world -- Antarctica, North Pole, Africa, you name it -- every meter sphere of air around you contains 50 carbon atoms from each one of yo... posted on Nov 14 2017, 12,312 reads


Breaking Free from the Tyranny of Positivity
Ever been told to 'just be happy' or, to 'lighten up'? Does that really make you feel happier? For many, this advice leads to the opposite effect.
Author of Emotional Agility and leading Harvard Medical School psychologist Susan David recently teamed up with award-winning journalist and author Maria Shriver for a unique conversation on why positivity doesn't necessarily lead to happiness. R... posted on Nov 13 2017, 0 reads


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