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Living from a Place of Surrender
Michael Singer is a spiritual teacher, entrepreneur, and the bestselling author of the spiritual classic The Untethered Soul. In this conversation, Michael speaks about the core idea of his teachings: that it is only through complete surrender to the essence of the moment that we experience life's full potential. The discussion is rich, detailed, and pragmatic, including what this sense of surrend... posted on Dec 22 2017, 48,131 reads


We are All the Other: A Conversation with Denise Zabalaga
With a superb gift for languages, Zabalaga taught herself Farsi and traveled as a single woman in Afghanistan, Syria, Damascus, Iran and Tajikistan. She got into many tight situations, but with her faith that meeting a stranger is, "first of all, an opportunity rather than a danger," and with her uncanny openness and ability to connect with others, she always found her way out of difficulties. Wha... posted on Dec 21 2017, 2,628 reads


Seeing is Not Thinking
Artist and thinker Jeanne de Salzmann writes: "The question is not what to do but how to see. Seeing is the most important thingthe act of seeing ... it is truly an act, an action that brings something entirely new, a new possibility of vision, certainty and knowledge. This possibility appears during the act itself and disappears as soon as the seeing stops." ... posted on Dec 20 2017, 8,039 reads


Dan Pink on the Science of Staying Motivated
"One of the world's foremost thinkers on business and social science, Daniel Pink is the author of several bestselling books on business, work, and behavior. He joined Ryan Hawk, the creator and host of The Learning Leader Show, to talk about the critical components of sustaining excellence, what it was like writing speeches for Al Gore, and how Dan left his comfort zone to bring his side hustle f... posted on Dec 19 2017, 10,924 reads


The Impermanence of Broccoli
In this piece, Alanda Greene explores our connectedness to the world around us through the simplicity of gardening and practicing yoga. In our daily lives, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle, to feel overwhelmed and isolated, but nothing could be further from the truth. The lines that divide us from each other, from animals, and from nature are largely of our own making. In realit... posted on Dec 18 2017, 10,459 reads


The Remarkable C3 Coach of Panchavati Express
This year, the unique C3 A/C Coach or the "Adarsh" ("ideal" in Hindi) Coach on the Panchavati Express, a train running between Mumbai and Nashik, India observed its 10th anniversary. This is no ordinary coach, however. Its passengers follow a voluntary code of conduct that includes not consuming liquor and chewing tobacco on the train, adhering to cleanliness guidelines, switching off lights durin... posted on Dec 17 2017, 10,550 reads


Great Writers on the Letters of the Alphabet
Late in life the English poet, novelist, essayist, and social justice advocate Sir Stephen Spender asked artist David Hockney to draw each letter of the alphabet, then invited twenty-nine of the greatest writers in the English language to each contribute a short original text for one of the letters. Among them: Susan Sontag, Seamus Heaney, Martin Amis, John Updike, Joyce Carol Oates, Ted Hughes, I... posted on Dec 16 2017, 7,136 reads


Julian Treasure on 5 Ways to Listen Better
In our louder and louder world, says sound expert Julian Treasure, "We are losing our listening." In this short, fascinating talk, Treasure shares five ways to re-tune your ears for conscious listening -- to other people and the world around you.... posted on Dec 15 2017, 33,774 reads


Fly by Light Music Video
In the shadow of our nation's capital, high school students face more than just the challenges of schoolwork. They have to deal with inner-city gangs, drug dealers, drive-by shootings, a lack of role models, and little parental support. It can be a struggle just to stay alive -- which is why many D.C. teenagers never graduate. The Fly By Light program seeks to break this cycle with a series of aft... posted on Dec 14 2017, 2,575 reads


Being and Doing
Sometimes life seems like a never-ending battle between doing and being. If I wish to be present, I need to turn my attention toward myself, but most of us lose our connection with ourselves as soon as we go into movement. Yet as we watch great dancers, great athletes and great actors move, we can't help but see how deeply connected they are with themselves, seemingly listening to themselves while... posted on Dec 13 2017, 13,125 reads


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Nothing is too small to know, and nothing is too big to attempt.
William Van Horne

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