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A Life of One's Own
In today's world most of us are obsessed with forging purpose in life. The impact that standardized tests can have on the entire trajectory of one's life has parents molding the future of their children before they even know what freedom of choice they are giving up. Fear of missing the boat has many jumping into the safest, closest one around. Almost a century ago one adventurous spirit embarked ... posted on Jan 01 2018, 14,021 reads


Confronting Death with Pets, Music and Good Hair
What can you do for someone who has less than three months to live? Those who volunteer with Dover Park Hospice (DPH) come face to face with this question on a regular basis. Sounds grim, but it's not. The volunteers provide music, massage services, food and playdates with pets for the patients to enjoy, spreading happiness with a smile, a song, a touch. It doesn't take much, and yet it means a lo... posted on Dec 31 2017, 2,857 reads


The Montana Moms Who Welcomed Refugees Into Their City
"Our goal is not to convince people what we're doing is right and what they're doing is wrong," she says. "Our goal is just to create a more welcoming environment for refugees to call home." This is the goal of Soft landing, a non-profit organization in Missoula Montana. When seeing the now famous photo of Aylan Kurdi, the three year old boy who drowned during his family's attempt to flee Syria, r... posted on Dec 30 2017, 8,368 reads


What Future Does Humankind Have?
In June of 1983, world-renowned theoretical physicist David Bohm and globally acclaimed philosopher J. Krishnamurti sat down for a conversation on the future of humankind. With Bohm at 66 years of age and Krishnamurti at 88 years of age, both men brought a lifetime of thought and wisdom to the table. Enjoy this deep conversation that touches on the evolution of thought and consciousness, the reali... posted on Dec 29 2017, 15,629 reads


Inside the Mind of Temple Grandin
Temple Grandin, renowned American author, animal behavior expert, and advocate for autistic people, has written many books -- including Animals in Translation, The Autistic Brain, and Thinking in Pictures -- and is currently a professor of animal science at Colorado State University. In this 60 minute interview on Insights at the Edge you'll learn the differences between verbal and visual thinkers... posted on Dec 28 2017, 7,238 reads


The Man Who Created a Broker-Free Market for Farmers
Prateek Sharma was born to a family of farmers in a village close to Bhopal, India. He started farming as a child along with his family but eventually left his village and accomplished a successful career in the city as a chief manager of a prominent Indian bank. What prompted him then to quit his lucrative job to return to tending to the earth as a community farmer? Sharma's inspiring journey as... posted on Dec 27 2017, 12,537 reads


The Empty Promise of Productivity and the Art of Slowing Down
How often do we add items to our lengthy to-do lists, squeeze an extra meeting into an already packed day, or find ourselves focused on the task before us, only to be repeatedly interrupted? In a world of constant movement, it's easy to neglect to give ourselves the care, attention, and leisure time we deserve. "What if we applied the same principles we use for mastering our workdays to become mas... posted on Dec 26 2017, 21,247 reads


Recovering the Diamonds
What unfolds when you listen and see without the distortion of judgment? What diamonds are hidden an inch beyond one's judgment? Here, you see the first impressions of Juan Carlos, Director of Rehabilitation in the Guatemalan Prison System, of seemingly hardened incarcerated prisoners, faces tattooed with symbols and words, insignia of dangerous gang affiliations -- Juan Carlos feels fear, uncert... posted on Dec 25 2017, 2,931 reads


The Question is How to See (Not - What To Do)
What does it mean to see beyond thinking; to keep the eyes of the soul open past one's ability to understand? Jeanne de Salzmann provides one way to sit with this question, staying with the asking rather than striving toward the answering. Jeanne was a musician, dance instructor and pupil of G.I Gurdjieff for over 30 years. She continued his work, leading the Gurdjieff Institute in Paris until she... posted on Dec 24 2017, 10,470 reads


Winter Garden
When the seasons turn, snowfall whispers to you to stay warm and cozy - to go a little more inward. The cycle of seasons impact our own inner lives. So how does this cooler season express the balance between our own sense of stillness and busy-ness? How much of our lives do we spend filling our days with activity without purpose? Or ruminating on our own inner voices that tell us we aren't 'busy' ... posted on Dec 23 2017, 12,480 reads


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Quote Bulletin

Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
Mark Twain

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