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The Town that Fought Big Ag and Won
When the advancing threat of Big Apple, a monoculture heavily sprayed with pesticides, came to Mals, Italy the women took action. In a display of direct democracy, this tiny village in the south Tyrol province of northern Italy has inspired a movement now coursing its way through Europe, the United States, and beyond.... posted on Mar 02 2018, 13,846 reads


Lessons in Resilience: The Stories We Tell and Why They Matter
"Resilience has taken on many meanings throughout its long history, but scientists who study stress and resilience say it's helpful to think of it as an emotional muscle that can be strengthened at any time. The American Psychological Association defines resilience as, "the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress - such as family... posted on Mar 01 2018, 39,950 reads


Fritjof Capra on Life and Leadership
"Sustainability is not an individual property, but is a property of an entire web of relationships. It is a community practice. This is the profound lesson we need to learn from nature. The way to sustain life is to build and nurture community. Because of the close connection between sustainability and community, basic principles of ecology can also be understood as principles of community. In par... posted on Feb 28 2018, 10,750 reads


David Fryburg: Inspiring Kindness Through Images
We live in a world where news stories are riddled with negativity; wars, crashes, political and social strife fill our living rooms and enter our most personal of space, our homes. What are the implications on our neurological and physical health? And what are the effects when this is turned around and people are exposed to positive news, see acts of kindness and learn of human goodness? This wa... posted on Feb 27 2018, 15,109 reads


Innovation Means Relying on Everyone's Creativity
"You can't hate someone whose story you know". This motto highlights the work of Meg Wheatley, a well-respected writer, teacher, and speaker. In this informative piece, she reflects on the creative potential that emerges when we begin to treat organizations as living systems, rather than machines, and remain open to the possibility of adaptation and change. Drawing from 6 paradigms, Wheatley explo... posted on Feb 26 2018, 12,315 reads


7 Simple Ways to Cultivate Comfort
How can we find comfort for ourselves and bring it to others, amidst sadness, stress, or loss? We need not look beyond our capacity to lend an open ear, share a warm smile, offer a hug, or voice a simple thank you. In this insightful article, author Colette Lafia shares 7 ways we can be messengers of comfort, bringing peace and compassion to ourselves, families, friends, communities, and the world... posted on Feb 25 2018, 33,533 reads


Five Boys' Response to Bullying
Every morning, the students at Franklin Elementary in Mankato, Minnesota, take the Pledge of Allegiance. But five fifth-grade boys embody "liberty and justice for all." When the boys noticed their classmate with a learning disability getting teased, they banded together and made him a part of their gang. Watch this short film in which the boys themselves tell you why they did what they did.... posted on Feb 24 2018, 4,977 reads


Jean Vanier: The Wisdom of Tenderness
Jean Vanier's life demonstrates tenderness. A philosopher, a Catholic social innovator, and the founder of The L'Arche movement, which is centered around people with mental disabilities, he has devoted his life to the practical application of Christianity's most paradoxical teachings: that there's power in humility, strength in weakness, and light in the darkness of human existence. The 147 L'Arch... posted on Feb 23 2018, 12,712 reads


Living Needs Aging: A Conversation with Ashton Applewhite
In this interview ageism expert Ashton Applewhite discusses what she has learned over the course of her work. "People literally don't realize that it is no more acceptable to criticize someone on the basis of age than on the basis of anything else about themselves, I think the most important thing to think about is language-- because we live in a youth-oriented society, we tend to use young to equ... posted on Feb 22 2018, 13,876 reads


The Secret to Happiness Around the World
Despite the many differences in what constitutes happiness in countries around the world, there are some common threads. The most notable has to do with material wealth: Few, if any, people around the globe find happiness through personal possessions and financial success. Rather, they tend to attain it by appreciating the little things in life and, more importantly, the people in their lives. Her... posted on Feb 21 2018, 21,331 reads


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Quote Bulletin

I was taught by landslides, and caught by the woman I became, during them.
Lucy Grace

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