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Spirit of the Earth: Indian Voices on Nature
It is indigenous communities who often bear the biggest brunt of environmental crisis -- and who continue to put their bodies on the frontline to protect the Earth, and all of us. Samuel Bendeck Sotillos reminds us that as things are getting worse, they are being uncovered. This is where our hope lies. Amidst the death throes of a dysfunctional paradigm on its way out, it is the First Peoples' tim... posted on Mar 12 2018, 11,059 reads


How I Became an Entrepreneur at 66
When Paul Tasner was laid off at 64, he was not in a position to remain unemployed. For several years after, the engineer pursued a career in consulting but realized he had no passion for it. So, at the age of 66, he took a leap and started his own start-up. In his TED Talk, he tells of this journey, his experiences, and how more seniors are becoming successful entrepreneurs. ... posted on Mar 11 2018, 55,978 reads


Small Graces by Kent Nerburn
Pause just long enough in your busy day to sit in a patch of sunlight. Now breathe deeply. Then, in the small space you just opened, read this profound reflection on the quiet graces that make up a day. They might just lead into the larger grace of your whole life.... posted on Mar 10 2018, 22,795 reads


The Intelligence of Plants
Plants are intelligent; perform complex mathematical computations; plan for the future; and even interpret meaning. Stephen Harrod Buhner came to this conclusion by opening his understanding up to the many cultures and individuals who have listened to plants in order to learn what they have to say. He learned from the direct stories of indigenous people whose first person accounts all said they le... posted on Mar 09 2018, 24,969 reads


From Mindfulness to Heartfulness
"Heartfulness seeks to overcome limitations to the kind of mindfulness that is used for the pursuit of profit and pleasure and doesnt challenge materialistic beliefs, values, or practices. Mindfulness can enable other virtues, but if we remain on the purely cognitive level, or stay narrowly focused on stress reduction, we are missing its true power. While the science focus is extremely convincing... posted on Mar 08 2018, 14,086 reads


What If We Believed No Lives Mattered Less Than Other Lives?
"Homeboy Industries provides hope, training, and support to formerly gang-involved and previously incarcerated men and women allowing them to redirect their lives and become contributing members of our community. Each year over 10,000 former gang members from across Los Angeles come through Homeboy Industries doors in an effort to make a positive change. They are welcomed into a community of mutua... posted on Mar 07 2018, 2,589 reads


Peace Pilgrim's Last Interview
How far would you go to "live" on a daily basis something you believed in? Would you go over 25,000 miles? Would you spend over twenty-five years on the journey? And what would you need to be able to show for it in order to consider your effort a success? Read this remarkable interview with the woman who zig-zagged across the United States more than six times on foot as a way to embody peace and i... posted on Mar 06 2018, 0 reads


The Spirit of Restorative Justice
Sujatha Baliga serves as the Executive Director of the Restorative Justice Project at Impact Justice, in Alameda County, California. Her background as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, criminal law attorney, and meditator inform her critical and revolutionary work in restorative justice today. Following a life-changing encounter with His Holiness the Dalai Lama who advised her to meditate an... posted on Mar 05 2018, 18,910 reads


Richard Feynman's Ode to a Flower
Nobel prize winning physicist, Richard Feynman (May 11, 1918-February 15, 1988) explains in this monologue, Ode to a Flower, that seeing a flower in all of its miraculous constituent parts adds to his ability to see it as aesthetically beautiful. Fraser Davidson captures his words in stunning graphic motion.... posted on Mar 04 2018, 9,725 reads


Finding Right Livelihood
In this thoughtful piece, author E.F. Schumacher argues for a set of economic principles that aligns economic progress and growth with the Buddhist ideals of nonviolence and peace. He proposes intriguing perspectives on labor, leisure, consumption, and the use of natural resources that flips modern economics on its head. Read on for fascinating food for thought.... posted on Mar 03 2018, 17,983 reads


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Music acts like a magic key, to which the most tightly closed heart opens.
Maria von Trapp

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