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The Dumpster
One day, Meredith Sabini found a large dumpster in front of her neighbor's house, packed with all her treasures and belongings. The widow had passed on and her family members quickly loaded her possessions and left the dumpster behind. Ms. Sabini, founder of The Dream Institute of Northern California in Berkeley whose mission is to restore the dream as a cultural resource, muses: "It is common the... posted on Apr 01 2018, 3,886 reads


Three Lessons of Revolutionary Love in a Time of Rage
"Revolutionary love is the choice to enter into labor for others who do not look like us, for our opponents who hurt us and for ourselves. In this era of enormous rage, when the fires are burning all around us,...revolutionary love is the call of our times." In this TEDWomen 2017 talk, Valarie Kaur gives us the antidote to rising nationalism, polarization and hate. In her journey from the birthing... posted on Mar 31 2018, 4,565 reads


Walking the Path of Love
In 2011, Matt Hopwood set forth on a journey through the United Kingdom and beyond to practice heart-led activism and compassion. Seeing love as the source of human connection and genuine social action, Hopwood listened to and shared as many love stories as he could. The experience ended up being incredibly meaningful to him not just because of the moving stories that came out of it but because of... posted on Mar 30 2018, 0 reads


Margaret Wheatley: Warriors for the Human Spirit
Margaret Wheatley is a writer and management consultant who draws upon systems analysis, chaos theory, and other diverse fields of study to inform her work. In this interview from Sounds True, she writes talks about how we are in a time of destructive change that will bring a new way of life along with it. Our best path forward is to be warriors for the human spirit as we create "islands of sanity... posted on Mar 29 2018, 27,870 reads


What the Dolphin Said
Judith Simon Prager, PhD, is a writer, teacher, and clinical hypnotherapist. She has lived all over the world working as a novelist, screen writer, and journalist. However, Judith is probably best known for her method of Verbal First Aid, which teaches first responders that how they speak with a patient in an emergency situation can ultimately save that person's life, as well as speed up healing... posted on Mar 28 2018, 17,193 reads


Bryan Stevenson Beats the Drum for Justice
The great-grandson of slaves, Bryan Stevenson is a lawyer, author, activist, and founder of the Equal Justice Initiative in Montgomery, Alabama. Having been shaped by his experiences as a young African-American growing up during the civil rights movement, Stevenson is no stranger to bias and injustice. However, he turned those experiences into something positive by representing those on death row ... posted on Mar 27 2018, 7,830 reads


Waiting for the Thaw
"It's about this time in the long stretch of winter that I begin to ache for spring. By March, I tend become a bit dulled to the beauty of winter. Though my prayer and meditation keep my heart open to seeing the passage of time and seasons with appreciative eyes, mostly I just want the cold days to be over. As the earth begins to thaw, we often want the process to hurry up. I long for bright flow... posted on Mar 26 2018, 0 reads


Remarkable Beings
Where would you turn to learn about familial love, cooperative community and walking through life with peace and gentleness? Expand your horizons and understanding in this essay on what the desert elephants of northern Namibia reveal about belonging on a cosmic scale. Eleanor O'Hanlon shares what she has learned from these remarkable beings in an article for Parabola magazine.
... posted on Mar 25 2018, 16,865 reads


A Fifty-Year Friendship Catalyzed By Kindness
"My parents came to the U.S. in the 1960s, along with the first wave of immigrants from India. My father came to Kansas, which is where he was getting his Ph.D. Six months later, my mother came with the three of us kids -- my sister, my brother, and me. We were just two, four and five years old. It was the very first winter we were in Kansas. It was cold. We didn't yet have heavy coats. We didn't ... posted on Mar 24 2018, 16,352 reads


Betsy Damon: Living Water
"Water is Betsy Damon's passion, living water -- water, as the Chinese say, that has gone up and down the mountain ten thousand times. After many years of studying water her question became, "How can we teach people how nature takes care of water?" Fast forward a few years and she's in China, an unattached visitor. But she's talking with everyone she meets about water. And where this story leads, ... posted on Mar 23 2018, 3,922 reads


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Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand.
Chinese proverb

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