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Bringing Life to Organizational Change
The gift of organizational change is its ability to simplify complex concepts and inspire the exercise of freedom and creativity. Its goal is to create a future worth wanting. Although now 20 years old, in this article Wheatley and Kellner-Rogers suggest four principles, three rules of engagement and four questions to ask that are more relevant than ever. ... posted on Apr 11 2018, 14,204 reads


Kitchen Teachings: A Conversation with Cherri Farrell
Driving home from school, I spotted this young man with a shopping cart. I stopped and asked, "How would you like a loaf of bread my kids at school just made?" He was so grateful and said, My wife and I will really appreciate that. It was heartbreaking. So I said, Why don't you take these, too? He said, Are you sure somebody else wouldn't want them? The next day I told the kids and the whole room ... posted on Apr 10 2018, 3,022 reads


What a Greater Good School Looks Like
One school in India is helping to counter the impact of intense academic pressure, high parental expectations, and extreme social and economic barriers students often face, by implementing outlets for gratitude, mindfulness, self-compassion, and more. Seth M. R. Jaipuria School, led by Anjali Jaipuria features a Garden of Kindness, Let It Go Pond, Gratitude Tree, and other spaces in which pre-k th... posted on Apr 09 2018, 16,926 reads


Mark Nepo: Where To Now?
How often, in a moment of stark clarity, have you asked yourself "How did I get to this place?" and then "Now what?". This short beautiful poem by Mark Nepo unfolds just such a moment with compassion for the journey and peace in the answer. Stop whatever you believe you must hurry to do next, and give yourself the gift of sitting with this poem for a moment or a lifetime.... posted on Apr 08 2018, 27,167 reads


Scale in the Story of Interbeing
In contemporary society, bigger is better: bigger homes, bigger salaries, bigger acts, bigger influences. But what about all the small acts carried out each day by those who remain invisible to the masses? Are their intentions deemed less worthy, their outcomes less significant? In this inspiring essay, author Charles Eisenstein challenges the belief that in order to leave an imprint, our actions ... posted on Apr 07 2018, 23,905 reads


The Benefits of Being a Misfit
When master biographer Walter Isaacson sits down to chat with bestselling author Adam Grant, he shares secrets and insights on the inner and outer lives of great innovators like Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, and Leonardo da Vinci. Who was a misfit? Who was a perfectionist? Who had a notebook full of unfinished projects? What did they have in common? In this fascinating conversati... posted on Apr 06 2018, 12,766 reads


The Love You Seek
Imagine if you loved yourself fully, with the same compassion and tenderness you reserved for others. What would this look like? What would it mean? Self-love is a gift we can bestow upon ourselves each day. "As much as we say I love you to another, we can say it to ourselves. We can say these three words frequently, and we can say them with the reverence for which they are meant." In this moving ... posted on Apr 05 2018, 39,868 reads


Can Love Be A Force for Social Justice?
Anne Firth Murray, a professor at Stanford University, teaches courses on international women's health and one called, "Love as a Force of Social Justice." In this interview, she describes introducing students to the different concepts of love, empowering them to be conscious of the power of love and the possibility of practicing it in every day life, and highlighting the idea of love as a force f... posted on Apr 04 2018, 13,368 reads


KidsCan: Children Changing the World
Nickelodeon, in partnership with KidsRights Foundation, has just launched #KidsCan, an international campaign to spotlight the stories of nine International Children's Peace Prize winners and nominees from around the globe who are creating positive change in their communities. Says Bradley Archer-Haynes, a vice president, at Nickelodeon International, "Kids everywhere have the power to make a diff... posted on Apr 03 2018, 8,899 reads


The Science of Mindlessness & Mindfulness
"Her unconventional studies have long suggested what neuroscience is now revealing: Our experiences are formed by the words and ideas we attach to them. Naming something play rather than work or exercise rather than labor can mean the difference between delight and drudgery, fatigue or weight loss. What makes a vacation a vacation is not only a change of scenery, but the fact that we let go of the... posted on Apr 02 2018, 17,664 reads


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You get the best out of others when you give the best of yourself.
Harvey S. Firestone

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